Blocking on server when running package

  • I have 2 packages package1 and package2. package2 contains 3 Data Flow Tasks.

    When I execute the package2 from BIDS, it completes successfully; but when I execute package2 from package1 (using Execute Package task) from BIDS I get blocking on the SQL server.

    The reason why I am getting mad is that my process is getting blocked by SPID -2(minus2).

    I have never seen any SPID with negative value. What is this process?

    My process is executing the following command:

    exec [sys].sp_bcp_dbcmptlevel [DBNAME]

    set fmtonly on

    select * from [dbo].[TableName]

    set fmtonly off

    Looks like SSIS is getting the metadata from the server but it is getting blocked.

    Can anyone help me?

    -Vikas Bindra

  • I figured out that SPID -2 is some kind of SQL server process and is visible in Activity monitor.

    But, why is it blocking my process? :ermm:

    -Vikas Bindra

  • Vikas,

    I'm running into same issue.

    As soon as I'm starting SSIS Pacakge that kicks off the

    exec [sys].sp_bcp_dbcmptlevel databasename set fmtonly on

    select * from tblname set fmtonly off.

    Did you get the solution why above process is starting and how to avaoid from getting it started.

    Appreciate your inputs in advance.


  • Me also facing the same problem.

    Can anyone help me?

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