BLocking issue

  • hi,

    Summary: I'm facing a dealock issue. 2 procedures are using update statements on request_info table and each blocking each other. I dont know what the issue is, why it is blocking? please help. here are the details.

    Table :

    request_info(request_id long, request_type_id int, business_unit_id int, processorstate int)

    processorstate -0 - not picked up for processiong

    processorstate -1 - already picked up for processing.

    I've 2 procedures{proc_GetRequests,proc_GetMassRequest} to pick up the latest request ids for single request(request_type_id : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7) and other one for mass request(request_type_id: 8,9,10,11).


    1 Procedure: dbo.proc_GetRequests(pick single request and put into temp table,set processorstate to 1 for picked ones):


    -- to make processorstate to 1 for non automation

    UPDATE request_info SET ProcessorState=1 WHERE ProcessorState not in (1) and request_type_id not in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,20,21)

    DECLARE @RequestProcess table(

    requestId bigint NOT NULL,

    requestTypeId int,

    businessUnitId int);

    UPDATE TOP (3) request_info SET ProcessorState=1 OUTPUT inserted.request_id,inserted.request_type_id,inserted.business_unit_id

    INTO @RequestProcess WHERE ProcessorState not in (-1,1)

    and request_type_id in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,12,20,21)

    --do processing



    2 Procedure: proc_GetMassRequest(pick mass request put into temp table,set processorstate to 1 for picked ones):


    DECLARE @RequestProcess table(

    requestId bigint NOT NULL,

    requestTypeId int,

    businessUnitId int);

    UPDATE TOP (3) request_info SET ProcessorState=1 OUTPUT inserted.request_id,inserted.request_type_id,inserted.business_unit_id

    INTO @RequestProcess WHERE ProcessorState not in (-1,1)

    and request_type_id in (8,9,10,11)

    --do processing


    Two procs are called from java and might run at the same time. NOw i'm facing a deadlock.

    i see this in SP_WHO2 for blocking

    253 SUSPENDED xyz 258 Harmony_Global UPDATE 15 1 09/05 04:28:57 i-net OPTA 2000 253 0

    253 - Harmony_Global.dbo.proc_GetMassRequest;1

    258 - Harmony_Global.dbo.proc_GetRequests;1

    Why there is a deadlock? is this because, i use update top 3? instead should i get the requests and then update against the request_id?

    i want to keep both proc. separate and need a solution.

  • Here's an article I found helpful when troubleshooting Deadlocks:

    - Nate


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