Blocking issue

  • HI Team,

    From application side my user is trying to update the forget password , its immediately blocking in DB side.

    Blocking id we are seeing -2 ,

    select * from sysprocesses where processid=2

    "" LAZYWRITER_SLEEP " is the last wait type ..

    Can you update u r suggestions as early as possible .


  • -2 is DTC orphan transaction to kill this ,you have to first find UOW( unit of work) from sys.dm_tran_locks

    Select request_owner_guid from sys.dm_tran_locks where request_request_id = -2

    Kill 'request_owner_guid'

  • HI Seth,

    Thanks for the update. Now we are not seeing this error now because we restart the server.

    after restart of the server we are seeing the below issue.


    When the user click on forget username button from application side , immediately the process goes to blocking state in DB .

    As per observations at the same time 2 process are running on the same table .

    like this

    select * from sysprocesses where blocked <> 0

    spid kpid blocking

    154 4586 189

    select * from sysprocesses where spid=

    update table set cloumn1 and column2 where coilumn3=@a1 -- 154

    update table set cloumn4 and column5 where coilumn3=@a1 -- 189

  • HI Seth,

    -2 is DTC orphan transaction to kill this ,you have to first find UOW( unit of work) from sys.dm_tran_locks --

    why its happening ?? its code related issue or ??

    Select request_owner_guid from sys.dm_tran_locks where request_request_id = -2 ---

    select * from sysprocesses where blocked <>0 .. when i run this query i am finding -2 in blocking column :

    immediately i am running this query ""

    Select request_owner_guid from sys.dm_tran_locks where request_request_id = -2 ""

    its showing nothing .........

    Can u help why this type of issues will come ..

    please look into the my previous reply also ....

  • HI, when i try to kill the process with status only i am getting below error


    Msg 6120, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Status report cannot be obtained. Rollback operation for Process ID 158 is not in progress.

  • Have you killed the session 158 ? after that only you can fire kill 158 with statusonly to get the roll back status.

  • HI ,

    I did the same as you mentioned but i am seeing same error .

    Kill 154


    kill 154 WITH STATUSONLY

    May i know why these type of errors ???

  • Hi ,

    Can you please check below link

    Seems your rollack completed after you killed.

    it says(SQL 2005):

    If the rollback of the session ID or UOW has finished when the KILL session ID|UOW WITH STATUSONLY statement is executed, or if no session ID or UOW is being rolled back, KILL session ID|UOW WITH STATUSONLY will return the following error:

    "Msg 6120, Level 16, State 1, Line 1"

    "Status report cannot be obtained. Rollback operation for Process ID <session ID> is not in progress."

    The same status report can be obtained by repeating the same KILL session ID|UOW statement without using the WITH STATUSONLY option; however, we do not recommend doing this. Repeating a KILL session ID statement might terminate a new process if the rollback had finished and the session ID was reassigned to a new task before the new KILL statement is run. Specifying WITH STATUSONLY prevents this from happening.

    Best Regards,

    Rama Udaya.K

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