Blocking and Locking

  • In Brad's recent editorial he said:

    I demonstrated to the DBA how to use Management Studio to identify blocking locks, including examining the offending code. I also showed him how he could kill the blocking connection without the need for anything as drastic as rebooting the server.

    Can anyone point me to information that would show me how to do this?


  • we have a script that uses sysprocesses to look for blocking spids. runs every 2 minutes. on a few servers i want to rewrite it to use the requests dmv.

    in our case it runs, dumps the data into a table and sends an email alert if there is blocking. in some cases we kill a spid automatically.

  • Would you be willing to send me a copy of your script? You can send it to me at


  • I use this following code to find any long running spids and kill them off. you could easily tweak it to email you about the spids rather than kill them. I do need to update it to use the DMV's for 2005 servers but have not had time, and it uses a cursor when its not neccesarily needed, but use what you want, and enhance what you want

    /* =======================================================================================


    VersionDateAuthorChange Detail

    1.119/12/07JMBecause new connections from Crystal opened with a last batch of 1900-01-01 00:00

    I am taking these out so we dont kill them


    use tempdb

    set nocount on

    create table #sp_who (









    insert into #sp_who execute sp_who

    --select * from #sp_who where cmd = 'AWAITING COMMAND' and spid > 50

    --drop table #sp_who

    create table [tempdb].[dbo].[logged_in_users]


    spid smallint,

    login_name [varchar] (50),

    DBName [varchar] (50),

    LoginTime [datetime],

    Lastbatch [datetime]


    --drop table [tempdb].[dbo].[logged_in_users]

    INSERT INTO [tempdb].[dbo].[logged_in_users]







    SELECT master.dbo.sysprocesses.spid, master.dbo.sysprocesses.loginame,,



    FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses INNER JOIN

    master.dbo.sysdatabases ON master.dbo.sysprocesses.dbid = master.dbo.sysdatabases.dbid

    where master.dbo.sysprocesses.spid > 50

    --select * from [tempdb].[dbo].[logged_in_users]

    /*Leave this bit in for testing!

    select * from [tempdb].[dbo].[logged_in_users] LI inner join #sp_who SP on SP.Spid = LI.Spid

    where SP.cmd <> 'AWAITING COMMAND' and SP.spid > 50 and LI.DBName <> 'CE10'

    --Then decide how long you is too long!

    and lastbatch < dateadd(hh,-0,getdate())

    order by lastbatch


    create table #Loop


    id smallint identity(1,1),

    spid smallint


    insert into #Loop (spid)

    select LI.spid from [tempdb].[dbo].[logged_in_users] LI inner join #sp_who SP on SP.Spid = LI.Spid

    where SP.cmd <> 'AWAITING COMMAND' and SP.spid > 50 and LI.DBName <> 'CE10'

    --Then decide how long you think is too long!

    and lastbatch (select @@SPID)


    and lastbatch > '02 jan 1900'


    select * From #Loop

    declare @counter smallint

    declare @max-2 smallint

    declare @kill smallint

    set @counter = 1

    set @max-2 = (select max(id) from #Loop)

    while @counter <= @max-2


    set @kill = (Select spid from #Loop where id = @counter)

    print @kill

    EXEC ('KILL '+ @kill)

    set @counter = @counter + 1


    --drop tables

    drop table [tempdb].[dbo].[logged_in_users]

    drop table #sp_who

    drop table #Loop

    --sp_who2 180

    --dbcc inputbuffer (180)

  • There are scripts in the script library here as well that might help. Search blocker or root blocker.

  • Best option, there is a script sp_blocker_pss80 from MS.

    There there is a neat Tool called sherlock, which can be used to read for blocking scenarios, this too from MS PSS guys.

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