
  • how can I find how long the process is being blocked in SQL server?

  • Activity Monitor

  • thanks...Can I get the same (time line) using any SQL query?

  • In SQL 2005 I recommend using SQL Server Profiler.

    Create a new trace and select following event:

    Errors and Warnings

    -> Blocked Process Report

    Make sure "Show All Columns" is selected.

    This gives you very nice detailed XMl output of blocking processes. You can import this into SQL Table later and run queries against it if you wish. Thanks.



    Mohit K. Gupta, MCITP: Database Administrator (2005), My Blog, Twitter: @SQLCAN[/url].
    Microsoft FTE - SQL Server PFE

    * Some time its the search that counts, not the finding...
    * I didn't think so, but if I was wrong, I was wrong. I'd rather do something, and make a mistake than be frightened and be doing nothing. :smooooth:[/font]

    How to ask for help .. Read Best Practices here[/url].

  • right click on server property --> Reports --> Standard Reports -->

    All Blocking Transaction

  • To get the info in a query, try using this dynamic mgmt view: sys.dm_exec_requests.

    For instance, to get all the spid's that are currently blocked:

    SELECT *

    FROM sys.dm_exec_requests

    WHERE wait_time > 0

    AND blocking_session_id != 0

  • Hi

    can we use the stored procedure sp_who2 by viewing the column 'blkby' to find the blocking issues?


  • on Adam Machanic has an INCREDIBLE replacement for sp_who2 called sp_whoisactive. Get it, learn it, use it!!!

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • In our Production server, we have created a SQL Server Agent job which runs every 1 minute and monitors if there is any blocking for more than 10 seconds. In case it finds a blocking process, it send an email to us (DBAs) and we look into the issue in more details.

    Below is a sample code for this job

    SELECT * (here please include the information you want)

    FROM sys.dm_exec_requests DR

    INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions DS ON DR.Session_id = DS.Session_id

    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(dr.sql_handle) AS s2

    WHERE DR.Session_ID in

    (SELECT blocking_session_id

    FROM sys.dm_exec_requests

    WHERE (wait_time/10000) > @maxtime)

    Also, if you want to dig more deep like the table name, index name, type of lock etc, you may use the below query to get lock info

    SELECT request_session_id as spid,

    db_name(resource_database_id) as dbname,


    WHEN resource_type = 'OBJECT' THEN


    WHEN resource_associated_entity_id = 0 THEN 'n/a'

    ELSE object_name(p.object_id)

    END as entity_name, p.index_id, IndexName,

    resource_type as resource,

    resource_description as description,

    request_mode as mode, request_status as status

    FROM sys.dm_tran_locks t LEFT JOIN sys.partitions p

    ON p.hobt_id = t.resource_associated_entity_id

    left join sys.indexes i on p.object_id = i.object_id and p.index_id = i.index_id

    WHERE resource_database_id = db_id();

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