BLOBs (binary large objects)

  • Does anyone have any good tips on how to use BLOBs to store image/videos within SQL Server and how to access them with ADO methods?



    If riding in a plane is flying, then riding in a boat must be swimming. To experience the element, get out of the vehicle. Skydive!

  • This one is to store the data

    Dim strStream           As ADODB.Stream

    Set strStream = New ADODB.Stream

    strStream.Type = adTypeBinary


    strStream.LoadFromFile sFileName


    Fields("MsgAttachment").Value = strStream.Read


    This one is to retrieve the data

    Dim strStream   As ADODB.Stream

    sql = "SELECT MsgAttachment FROM mails_attachments WHERE id=" & CLng(DataList3.BoundText)

    Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

    cnnArchive.Open SNIPPET_STRING

    rs.Open sql, cnnArchive, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText

    Set strStream = New ADODB.Stream

    strStream.Type = adTypeBinary


    strStream.Write rs.Fields("MsgAttachment").Value

    strStream.SaveToFile CommonDialog1.FileName, adSaveCreateOverWrite

    And all is done with an image column in SQL Server.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Is there a spcific source from where you got these examples?

    If riding in a plane is flying, then riding in a boat must be swimming. To experience the element, get out of the vehicle. Skydive!

  • Or ive heard I could simply use an HTTP pointer to retrieve the image/video from a file rather than storing it in a database?


    Is this maybe an easier option? Certainly more effective performance wise?

    If riding in a plane is flying, then riding in a boat must be swimming. To experience the element, get out of the vehicle. Skydive!

  • Well, yes there is a specific source from where I got these examples. They are part of my small app to move research reports from email to database.

    It sometimes appears to be a rather religious question which method to use. The answer is, that there is no ultimate answer. All I can give you is this link and then it is up to you to decide which way to go.

    As you've mentioned videos, I guess the filesystem alternative would be better suited.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

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