BLOB error

  • Hi Gurus

    I am trying to run a query in DTS(SQL2000) to oracle server, If I select a BLOB column I get an unknown error in DTS.

    But if other columns are selected except th BLOB data type column, it works OK.

    Any ideas.

    regards Vicky

  • BLOB data stands from Binary Large Objects and may not be something you want to dts.

    If it is, then this might help:;en-us;257425&sd=tech

    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • The Blob Datatype cant be imported in DTS

    This is what is found in MSDN

    The Microsoft ODBC and OLEDB drivers for Oracle support the Oracle 7.3 BLOB data types, not Oracle 8.0 data types. For example, BLOB, CLOB, NCLOB, and BFILE are not supported.

  • I am using a DTS package to copy blobs out of Oracle into a sql200 table so that I can export them to .jpg. I found that you have to have the blob as the last object to be exported or it won't work....





    The SQL Picture is of type image and the Oracle Long Raw...


    I hope this helps.


  • Thanks all,

    I tried Rookie's method selecting column in the end of the query, no luck.

    I will try out Addict's suggestion sometime today as our internet is down for 2 days.

    I am bit worried by Grasshopper's post, if it is still true i mean if this problem has not been solved in any of the service packs then I am concern.

    once again thanks a lot.

    Regards Vikram.

  • Hi Vikram,

    Download the oracle migration work bench and it will do it for u.

    It is free in download option of

    Blob datatype field is stored by default in system tablespace and u must have defined the user on diffrent tablespace.

    Hope this help






  • Hi,

    Go through this link it will definately help u

    Hi Suresh,

    U can easily tranfer the datatype to Oracle (BLOB,CLOB, Image) from ODBC connection string.



  • Hi Killer,

    migration work bench may not be solution for me as I aill be running DTS everyday as schedule job.

    But the link you have posted looks promising, I will walk through it.

    Thank with appreciation.

    regards Vikram


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