Blank Pages with Print Layout - Tried all the common fixes

  • I have a report with multiple rectangles which are inside of a Tablix.  The report is used for a POs and once it hits a certain number of line items, the report jumps to a second page.  I've added background colours to all parts and can see that it's this one particular rectangle that's doing it.

    1. I have the ConsumeContainerWhiteSpace set to True
    2. I've verified the widths are not longer than the page widths.
    3. I've verified there are no page breaks anywhere (groups, rectangles, headers etc).
    4. I have adjusted the page margins to zero to see if that changes anything and it does not.
    5. Report is perfect in regular view but Print Layout splits.

    Other than requiring our POs to not have more than 10 items on it, I don't know what to do.  I've been working on this for days now and wish I could use Crystal Reports.

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  • It sounds like it could be caused by the rectangle growing so another thing to try is setting the report property ConsumeContainerWhitespace to true.


  • I've already set that value to True.  I've only been able to find that setting in the Report Properties.  Are there multiple locations of this setting?

  • It's a setting just on the report properties.


  • Yes and it is set to true.  Report Properties

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