Binary data

  • Hi!

    Some fields in my database are Binary data type,

    I want to to do something like if binary_data_field = '122-2123-..' then binary_data_field2 = 'TOM'

    (...its an example)

    How can i achieve that ?

    My querie is the following

    SELECT     authorid, dbo.KNB_Items.HelpTopicID, dbo.KNB_ItemCultures.TopicName AS Titulo,


    -- (if authorid='9D0E292E-B906-47BE-B62E-5D984F2F52ED' then --- 'JOLIVEIRA') as Autor

    FROM         dbo.KNB_Items INNER JOIN

                          dbo.KNB_ItemCultures ON dbo.KNB_Items.ID = dbo.KNB_ItemCultures.ItemID

    where dbo.KNB_items.helptopicID >'25000' and dbo.KNB_items.helptopicID <'50000'

    and date > '2006-09-01'

    order by dbo.KNB_Items.HelpTopicID

  • Look up CASE in BOL...

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

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