BI Authentication Question

  • Recently we moved our App and DB servers to a hosted account for our customers. User access their data from the application through a VPN to the hosted account. Unfortunately, with the way Analysis Services works, the only way our customers can access the cubes is through an RDP to the server. I really need to find a way to authenticate the user to the BI cubes without having them RDP to a server.


    Each customer has their own database

    Each customer has their own analysis service account

    Each customer has their own set of cubes

    With all of that being said, we have considered kerberos authentication. What other concepts, options, thoughts, or comments might the community have? How can I have a customer access their cubes from a hosted solution without an RDP.

    thank you

  • Maybe I'm not following your question, but am I assuming correctly that Analysis Services client (in SSMS) does not work ?

    Could it be an issue with configuring ports with Sys Admins? (see section on Analysis Services)

    ...0.05 points per day since registration... slowly crawl up to 1 pt per day hopefully 😀

  • That's not it.

    Analysis Services are running on a hosted box. Customers access their data through a website executing the cube data. The only way they can access their cube data is RDP into a hosted server and open the HTML page. This has to do with access data across domains and way Analysis Services authenticates the user accessing the data.

    For example:

    You have a server in your office.

    You have a customer hosting their data on your server, including Analysis Services for cubes.

    How do you let them access their cube data on your server from their computer without using an RDP?

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