between is not working the way I would think?

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • OK, New Code here for critique!  Thanks to all. What else can I clean up?

    Select cust.fcustno, fcompany, fcreated, cust.fsalespn, Sum(fnamount) as Sales, 
    Cast(sum(fnamount) *.05 as numeric(10,2)) as commission, 'Existing' as type
    from slcdpmx cust
    inner join (select fcustno, fnamount, finvdate
    from armast where
    fcustno in (Select fcustno from armast where finvdate < Case when Month(current_timestamp) = 1 then
    Dateadd(year, DateDiff(year,'19060101', current_timestamp), '19000101')
    Dateadd(year, DateDiff(year,'19050101', current_timestamp), '19000101')
    and fcustno in (Select fcustno from armast where finvdate > Case when month(current_timestamp) = 1 then
    Dateadd(year, DateDiff(year,'19010101', current_timestamp), '19000101')
    Dateadd(year, DateDiff(year,'19000101', current_timestamp), '19000101')
    End )
    and fcustno not in (Select fcustno from armast where finvdate > Case when Month(current_timestamp) = 1 then
    Dateadd(year, DateDiff(year,'19060101', current_timestamp), '19000101')
    Dateadd(year, DateDiff(year,'19050101', current_timestamp), '19000101')
    and finvdate < Dateadd(year, DateDiff(year,'19000101', current_timestamp), '19000101')))
    on ar.fcustno = cust.fcustno and finvdate >=
    Dateadd(Quarter, DateDiff(Quarter,'19000401', current_timestamp), '19000101')
    where fcreated <= Case when Month(current_timestamp) = 1 then
    Dateadd(year, DateDiff(year,'19060101', current_timestamp), '19000101')
    Dateadd(year, DateDiff(year,'19050101', current_timestamp), '19000101')
    Group by cust.fcustno, fcompany, fcreated, cust.fsalespn
    Select cust.fcustno, fcompany, fcreated, cust.fsalespn, sum(fnamount) as sales,
    Cast(sum(fnamount)*.05 as numeric(10,2)) as commission, 'New' as type
    from slcdpmx cust
    inner join armast ar on ar.fcustno = cust.fcustno and finvdate >= Case when month(current_timestamp) = 1 then
    Dateadd(year, DateDiff(year,'19010101', current_timestamp), '19000101')
    Dateadd(year, DateDiff(year,'19000101', current_timestamp), '19000101')
    where (fcreated >= Case when month(current_timestamp) = 1 then
    Dateadd(year, DateDiff(year,'19010101', current_timestamp), '19000101')
    Dateadd(year, DateDiff(year,'19000101', current_timestamp), '19000101')
    and (finvdate >= Dateadd(Quarter, DateDiff(Quarter,'19000401', current_timestamp), '19000101'))
    Group by cust.fcustno, fcompany, fcreated, cust.fsalespn
    order by type, fcreated, fcustno
  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • This is a personal preference, but I find your case structure difficult to parse and comprehend.

    Instead of your

    where finvdate < Case when Month(current_timestamp) = 1 then
    Dateadd(year, DateDiff(year,'19060101', current_timestamp), '19000101')
    Dateadd(year, DateDiff(year,'19050101', current_timestamp), '19000101')

    I prefer the use of DateFromParts instead. I find it much better describes what is going on, namely going to the start of the year 5 og 6 years prior to the current year, depending on whether the current month is January or not:

    where finvdate < DateFromParts(Year(current_timestamp)-IIf(Month(current_timestamp)=1, 6, 5), 1, 1)


  • I would go further than that - using better names that make it clear what each date is


    with dates as 
    (select DateFromParts(Year(current_timestamp)-IIf(Month(current_timestamp)=1, 6, 5), 1, 1) as Year_minus_5_or_6
    , DateFromParts(Year(current_timestamp)-IIf(Month(current_timestamp)=1, 1, 0), 1, 1) as Year_minus_0_or_1
    , DateFromParts(Year(current_timestamp), 1, 1) as Year_start
    , Dateadd(Quarter, DateDiff(Quarter,'19000401', current_timestamp), '19000101') as Quarter_year

    Select cust.fcustno, fcompany, fcreated, cust.fsalespn, Sum(fnamount) as Sales,
    Cast(sum(fnamount) *.05 as numeric(10,2)) as commission, 'Existing' as type
    from slcdpmx cust
    inner join (select fcustno, fnamount, finvdate
    from armast
    where fcustno in (Select fcustno
    from armast
    where finvdate < dates.Year_minus_5_or_6
    and fcustno in (Select fcustno
    from armast
    where finvdate > dates.Year_minus_0_or_1
    and fcustno not in (Select fcustno
    from armast
    where finvdate > dates.Year_minus_5_or_6
    and finvdate < dates.Year_start
    ) ar
    on ar.fcustno = cust.fcustno
    and finvdate >= dates.Quarter_year
    where fcreated <= dates.Year_minus_5_or_6
    Group by cust.fcustno, fcompany, fcreated, cust.fsalespn


    Select cust.fcustno, fcompany, fcreated, cust.fsalespn, sum(fnamount) as sales,
    Cast(sum(fnamount)*.05 as numeric(10,2)) as commission, 'New' as type
    from slcdpmx cust
    inner join armast ar
    on ar.fcustno = cust.fcustno
    and finvdate >= dates.Year_minus_0_or_1
    where (fcreated >= dates.Year_minus_0_or_1
    and (finvdate >= dates.Quarter_year
    Group by cust.fcustno, fcompany, fcreated, cust.fsalespn
    order by type, fcreated, fcustno
  • That is very interesting. I did not know you could do WITH in TSQL. That opens up a new avenue. Thanks. Also DateFromParts is something I never knew too.

  • kaj wrote:

    This is a personal preference, but I find your case structure difficult to parse and comprehend.

    Instead of your

    where finvdate < Case when Month(current_timestamp) = 1 then
    Dateadd(year, DateDiff(year,'19060101', current_timestamp), '19000101')
    Dateadd(year, DateDiff(year,'19050101', current_timestamp), '19000101')

    I prefer the use of DateFromParts instead. I find it much better describes what is going on, namely going to the start of the year 5 og 6 years prior to the current year, depending on whether the current month is January or not:

    where finvdate < DateFromParts(Year(current_timestamp)-IIf(Month(current_timestamp)=1, 6, 5), 1, 1)

    I prefer simplifying the code by using the correct reference point.  For instance, if you use the previous month instead of the current month as the reference point you can replace

    where finvdate < DateFromParts(Year(current_timestamp)-IIf(Month(current_timestamp)=1, 6, 5), 1, 1)


    where finvdate < DateFromParts(Year(DateAdd(MONTH, -1, current_timestamp)) - 5), 1, 1)


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • So the wrong solution to the wrong problem,  What you actually need is a table (or tables) that ulimately hold the commission allocation details: SalesMan, Customer, Start, End  and link this up to the orders/shipments/payments/credits/returns/bonuses/penalties

    As to the original problem, find customers with transactions before X and after Y but with no transactions between X and Y, I would have approached this as three separate CTEs:  Select Customers before X, Select customers after Y and Select customers between X and Y

    SELECT CTE_Outer AS 
    SELECT * FROM CTE_Before
    SELECT * FROM CTE_Before
    , CTE_Exclude AS
    SELECT * FROM CTE_Between

    personally I find it much easier to reason about and you can unit test the three starting CTEs.



  • aaron.reese wrote:

    So the wrong solution to the wrong problem,  What you actually need is a table (or tables) that ulimately hold the commission allocation details: SalesMan, Customer, Start, End  and link this up to the orders/shipments/payments/credits/returns/bonuses/penalties

    As to the original problem, find customers with transactions before X and after Y but with no transactions between X and Y, I would have approached this as three separate CTEs:  Select Customers before X, Select customers after Y and Select customers between X and Y

    SELECT CTE_Outer AS 
    SELECT * FROM CTE_Before
    SELECT * FROM CTE_Before
    , CTE_Exclude AS
    SELECT * FROM CTE_Between

    personally I find it much easier to reason about and you can unit test the three starting CTEs.

    I still think that querying the same table multiple times is inefficient.  I think that having a group by on the customer with amounts (or counts) for ancient history, recent history, and current period where the recent history is zero and the others are not would be better.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

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