Between Clause (Dates stored as Text)

  • Hello,

    I'm having some trouble with a small app that I have been given to work on.

    I'm trying to retrieve records based on a date range.

    The dates are stored in the Access database as text

    When I try to retrieve the records (ex. Between 01/01/2003 and 12/31/2003)

    I still get all of the records dated in the 2004 year.

    Here is the statement below

     rst.Open "SELECT * FROM tblDeposits WHERE " _

                    & "uDate BETWEEN '" & StartDate & "' AND '" & EndDate & "' " _

                    & "AND MemberID = '" & MemberID & "' ", cnn


    I cant change the field to date/time because it has already been distributed

    Any Suggestions?

    Thank you




  • Try using the CDate («date»)  function.

     rst.Open "SELECT * FROM tblDeposits WHERE " _

                    & "CDate (uDate) BETWEEN '" & StartDate & "' AND '" & EndDate & "' " _

                    & "AND MemberID = '" & MemberID & "' ", cnn

    You may also need the IsDate («varexpr»)  function if any of the existing data is invalid.

     rst.Open "SELECT * FROM tblDeposits WHERE " _

                    & "CDate (uDate) BETWEEN '" & StartDate & "' AND '" & EndDate & "' " _

                    & "AND IsDate (uDate) = TRUE AND MemberID = '" & MemberID & "' ", cnn


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