Better alternate to cursor

  • Hi...

    According to requirement I have to take 1000 fields in column1 of Table1 and pass those fields

    one by one  as parameter to another query. For this I used cursor and got result.

    Can anyone help me how to get the result without using cursor and with less execution time.

    I tried by using temporary table & hash table but they r taking time to execute.



    OPEN Cursor_Name

    DECLARE @Parameter

    FETCH NEXT INTO @Parameter



     SELECT * FROM Table2 WHERE arameter=@Parameter">Parameter=@Parameter

     FETCH NEXT INTO @Parameter


    CLOSE Cursor_Name

    DEALLOCATE Cursor_Name

    Can anyone help to get better alternate to cursor in this query with less execution time.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Hi, here is something i got from net. Hope this helps!!!


    Eliminating Cursors


    T-SQL does some things wonderfully, but cursors are the bane of the language, often causing performance issues. Changing your queries around to remove cursors can be tricky and new author Kamran Ali brings us one technique he has used to dramatically improve performance.

    Have you ever wondered how you can speed up that SQL code of yours where you were forced to use a CURSOR and ended up having a pretty slow code? Here is one method that our team found while working on a current project.
    T-SQL provides us with a CURSOR statement to work on the data on a row-by-row basis. Cursors are especially handy when you are using OUTPUT stored procedures and need to pass one ID to the stored procedure at a time. However, this kills the whole theory of set-based operations, which are inherently faster than their row based counterparts. The following is one way of converting your CURSOR statement using the WHILE keyword in such a scenario
    Suppose you have the following SQL statement:

            DECLARE @item_category_id INT
            DECLARE @order_id INT
            DECLARE @purchase_order_id INT
            DECLARE item_cursor CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR
            FROM dbo.item_categories it
            INNER JOIN dbo.orders ord
            ON ord.item_category_id = it.item_category_id
            WHERE ord.order_date >= '1-sep-05' 
            and it.isSuspended != 1 
            OPEN item_cursor
            FETCH NEXT FROM item_cursor INTO
            WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
                        EXEC dbo.usp_generate_purchase_order @item_category_id, @order_id, @purchase_order_id OUTPUT
                            Call other code here to process your purchase order for this item
                        FETCH NEXT FROM item_cursor INTO

    Now here is the code, which does not use a CURSOR but achieves the same result using a WHILE loop. The key here is to get all the item categories which fit our WHERE clause into a memory table and use the Primary Key of this table to pick up each successive item category.

            --Declare variables
            DECLARE @item_category_id INT
            DECLARE @order_id INT
            DECLARE @purchase_order_id INT
            --Declare a memory table
                                        item_category_id INT,
                                        order_id INT
            --now populate this table with the required item category values
            INSERT INTO @item_table
            SELECT  -- Same SELECT statement as that for the CURSOR
            FROM dbo.item_categories it
            INNER JOIN dbo.orders ord
            ON ord.item_category_id = it.item_category_id
            WHERE ord.order_date >= '1-sep-05' 
            and it.isSuspended != 1                       
            DECLARE @item_category_counter INT
            DECLARE @loop_counter INT
            SET @loop_counter = ISNULL(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @item_table),0) -- Set the @loop_counter to the total number of rows in the 
                                                                            -- memory table
            SET @item_category_counter = 1
            WHILE @loop_counter > 0 AND @item_category_counter <= @loop_counter
                    SELECT @item_category_id = item_category_id
                           ,@order_id = order_id
                    FROM @item_table 
                    WHERE primary_key = @item_category_counter
                    --Now pass the item-category_id and order_id to the OUTPUT stored procedure
                     EXEC dbo.usp_generate_purchase_order @item_category_id, @order_id, @purchase_order_id OUTPUT
                        Call other code here to process your pruchase order for this item
                   SET @item_category_counter = @item_category_counter + 1

    That's it! You have just converted your CURSOR statement to a typical SQL WHILE loop. We noticed that this approach gave us a 75% increase in performance over the statement using the CURSOR keyword.

    Happy SQLing!



  • Sorry about the formatting.

    Eliminating Cursors


    T-SQL does some things wonderfully, but cursors are the bane of the language, often causing performance issues. Changing your queries around to remove cursors can be tricky and new author Kamran Ali brings us one technique he has used to dramatically improve performance.

    Have you ever wondered how you can speed up that SQL code of yours where you were forced to use a CURSOR and ended up having a pretty slow code? Here is one method that our team found while working on a current project.

    T-SQL provides us with a CURSOR statement to work on the data on a row-by-row basis. Cursors are especially handy when you are using OUTPUT stored procedures and need to pass one ID to the stored procedure at a time. However, this kills the whole theory of set-based operations, which are inherently faster than their row based counterparts. The following is one way of converting your CURSOR statement using the WHILE keyword in such a scenario

    Suppose you have the following SQL statement:

            DECLARE @item_category_id INT

            DECLARE @order_id INT

            DECLARE @purchase_order_id INT


            DECLARE item_cursor CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR





            FROM dbo.item_categories it


            INNER JOIN dbo.orders ord

            ON ord.item_category_id = it.item_category_id


            WHERE ord.order_date >= '1-sep-05'

            and it.isSuspended != 1


            OPEN item_cursor


            FETCH NEXT FROM item_cursor INTO




            WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


                        EXEC dbo.usp_generate_purchase_order @item_category_id, @order_id, @purchase_order_id OUTPUT



                            Call other code here to process your purchase order for this item



                        FETCH NEXT FROM item_cursor INTO





    Now here is the code, which does not use a CURSOR but achieves the same result using a WHILE loop. The key here is to get all the item categories which fit our WHERE clause into a memory table and use the Primary Key of this table to pick up each successive item category.

            --Declare variables

            DECLARE @item_category_id INT

            DECLARE @order_id INT

            DECLARE @purchase_order_id INT


            --Declare a memory table


                                        item_category_id INT,

                                        order_id INT



            --now populate this table with the required item category values

            INSERT INTO @item_table

            SELECT  -- Same SELECT statement as that for the CURSOR



            FROM dbo.item_categories it


            INNER JOIN dbo.orders ord

            ON ord.item_category_id = it.item_category_id


            WHERE ord.order_date >= '1-sep-05'

            and it.isSuspended != 1                      


            DECLARE @item_category_counter INT

            DECLARE @loop_counter INT


            SET @loop_counter = ISNULL(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @item_table),0) -- Set the @loop_counter to the total number of rows in the

                                                                            -- memory table


            SET @item_category_counter = 1


            WHILE @loop_counter > 0 AND @item_category_counter <= @loop_counter


                    SELECT @item_category_id = item_category_id

                           ,@order_id = order_id

                    FROM @item_table

                    WHERE primary_key = @item_category_counter


                    --Now pass the item-category_id and order_id to the OUTPUT stored procedure

                     EXEC dbo.usp_generate_purchase_order @item_category_id, @order_id, @purchase_order_id OUTPUT



                        Call other code here to process your pruchase order for this item



                   SET @item_category_counter = @item_category_counter + 1



    That's it! You have just converted your CURSOR statement to a typical SQL WHILE loop. We noticed that this approach gave us a 75% increase in performance over the statement using the CURSOR keyword.

    Happy SQLing!




  • I have to ask... is there more complex logic that needs to be performed other than SELECT from table2?

    Why not a JOIN as such:

    SELECT t2.* FROM Table2 t2

    JOIN Table1 t1 on t1.Column1 = t2.Column --(Parameter?)

    WHERE t1.Column1 = <CONDITION>

    Todd Carrier
    MCITP - Database Administrator (SQL 2008)
    MCSE: Data Platform (SQL 2012)

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