Beta Programs

  • I'm sure you've all heard of Betaplace, Microsoft's Beta website for administering their beta programs. It's where you can sign up to participate, submit bugs, and download your beta software.

    Well has added it's own Beta program. Not for software, but for our famous Question of the Day, which generates the occasional storm of angry postings. Mostly when I typo something badly.

    In response, I setup a beta question test program and enrolled a few of the more vocal members of the community. They can see advance questions and answer them as well as send feedback. It somewhat takes away from the fun of the questions, but there are some people out there that I'm sure are interested in just working on questions to be sure they're correct. So I'm taking a limited number of people to participate. There aren't that many advance questions right now, at least not until I get off my duff or someone sends me a few, but if you're interested, drop me note in the forum for this editorial and I'll let you know if you are selected.

    And speaking of Beta software....Microsoft announced that they are building a Data Center version of Windows 2003 x64. As bigger and bigger servers are being designed, and more importantly, purchased, they see a market for the > 4 CPU servers. So they're ramping up development of the core Windows product as well as Exchange and SQL Server. Good news for those of us using big databases.

    They're expecting all of their servers to have x64 versions by 2007, which should allow them to compete better against high end Unix or Linux servers.

    Unlike my QODs, let's just hope they don't release any of their products while they're still "Beta quality"

    Steve Jones

  • No one else is jumping for this, so I will be the first to volunteer to help out...

    Adam Machanic

  • I'm more than willing to help.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Steve,

    I meant to say that, although I've not been participating in the QOD for a while, I'd be glad to help out with this too, if you'd like.



    PS. Nice picture, Brian!

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