August 5, 2018 at 11:39 pm
The CategoryId is in the table FIELDS_ACTIVATIONS where the FieldName is the column name of the data in the three common ground between the data and the categoryId is the FieldName in FIELDS_ACTIVATIONS
I know..I know...
August 5, 2018 at 11:47 pm
If I'm reading that right, it's applying the Category 1 rules to everything in the table EXTR_MILIMETRA, is that correct? So the categorisation doesn't happen on a row-by-row basis, but rather is something applicable to the entire table? Do other categories apply to other tables?
I get the relationship between the Field Activations table and the column names, I'm just struggling to understand how categorisation is supposed to affect the overall result set.
August 5, 2018 at 11:57 pm
Category 1 applies to EXTR_MILIMETRA columns. Category 2 may have 2 tables, same for three. Forget about four they haven't told me what to do with 4.
"I'm just struggling to understand how categorisation is supposed to affect the overall result set."
Me too. When I ask my senior she simply says "ColumnX is in category Y as per the FIELDS_ACTIVATIONS Table" so she expects me to display the overall result of each column, empty or with a value based on if the category is Active or not in the fields activations table.
Personally I don't get it, I was hoping this was due to my inexperience.
August 6, 2018 at 12:16 am
OK, so it's categorised based on the source of data then. In which case you're basically already there. Each of your queries is going to end up with 30 columns (even if they're "empty" where they don't apply for that category) so you can literally just union all the results into one result set, i.e.
With CategoryOne As
--Category 1
CASE WHEN EXISTS (SELECT * FROM FIELD_ACTIVATIONS WHERE FieldName = COL_NAME(object_id('Company.FileExtraction.EXTR_MILIMETRA'),1) And Category = 1)
THEN REPLICATE('0', 10-LEN(PolicyNumber)) + PolicyNumber
ELSE '' END AS PolicyNumber,
CASE WHEN EXISTS (SELECT * FROM FIELD_ACTIVATIONS WHERE FieldName = COL_NAME(object_id('Company.FileExtraction.EXTR_MILIMETRA'),2) And Category = 1)
THEN REPLICATE('0', 7-LEN(BOCBranch)) + BOCBranch
Group BY ....
CategoryTwo As
CASE WHEN EXISTS (SELECT * FROM FIELD_ACTIVATIONS WHERE FieldName = COL_NAME(object_id('Company.FileExtraction.TABLE2'),1) And Category = 2)
THEN REPLICATE('0', 10-LEN(PolicyNumber)) + PolicyNumber
ELSE '' END AS PolicyNumber,
CASE WHEN EXISTS (SELECT * FROM FIELD_ACTIVATIONS WHERE FieldName = COL_NAME(object_id('Company.FileExtraction.TABLE2'),2) And Category = 2)
THEN REPLICATE('0', 7-LEN(BOCBranch)) + BOCBranch
Join TABLE3 On ....
Group By ....
From CategoryOne
Union All
August 6, 2018 at 12:23 am
Category 1 has 14, Category 2 has 56 and Category 3 has 15.
Not sure about Category 4 yet.
Will this still work?
August 6, 2018 at 1:05 am
You've lost me. In that field activation table you posted, there are the same columns per category but with different activation states - which would work, but then you talk about there being different numbers of columns in each category and it's not at all clear how they should be displayed.
August 6, 2018 at 1:19 am
Sorry mate.
I've uploaded a txt file have a look at that. The previous one was a photo and it didn't show all the columns. Sorry.
Ignore Category 4 though.
August 6, 2018 at 1:39 am
In the cases where a column doesn't apply to a category at all, just return a dummy value containing the empty string - that way all four queries will have the same columns and the union will be fine.
August 6, 2018 at 2:02 am
Andy leave it for now mate I'll talk to management because it's too messy I think. Maintaining this would be a nightmare too. I'll get back with clear info.
Thanks for your time.
August 6, 2018 at 8:49 am
Here's the FieldActivations table create so that folks can more easily create something testable....CREATE TABLE #FIELD_ACTIVATIONS (
FieldName tinyint NOT NULL,
CategoryID tinyint NOT NULL,
IsActive bit NOT NULL,
FieldName ASC,
CategoryID ASC
VALUES ('PolicyNumber', 1, 1),
('PolicyNumber', 2, 1),
('PolicyNumber', 3, 1),
('PolicyNumber', 4, 1),
('BOCBranch', 1, 1),
('BOCBranch', 2, 0),
('BOCBranch', 3, 0),
('BOCBranch', 4, 0),
('CIFNumber', 1, 1),
('CIFNumber', 2, 0),
('CIFNumber', 3, 0),
('CIFNumber', 4, 0),
('EmployeeNumber', 1, 1),
('EmployeeNumber', 2, 0),
('EmployeeNumber', 3, 0),
('EmployeeNumber', 4, 0),
('PremiumSign', 1, 1),
('PremiumSign', 2, 0),
('PremiumSign', 3, 0),
('PremiumSign', 4, 0),
('Premium', 1, 1),
('Premium', 2, 0),
('Premium', 3, 0),
('Premium', 4, 0),
('RegistrationDate', 1, 1),
('RegistrationDate', 2, 0),
('RegistrationDate', 3, 0),
('RegistrationDate', 4, 0),
('ActivityCode', 1, 1),
('ActivityCode', 2, 0),
('ActivityCode', 3, 0),
('ActivityCode', 4, 0),
('ActivityDescription', 1, 1),
('ActivityDescription', 2, 0),
('ActivityDescription', 3, 0),
('ActivityDescription', 4, 0),
('PolicyTypeCode', 1, 1),
('PolicyTypeCode', 2, 0),
('PolicyTypeCode', 3, 0),
('PolicyTypeCode', 4, 0),
('PolicyTypeDescription', 1, 1),
('PolicyTypeDescription', 2, 0),
('PolicyTypeDescription', 3, 0),
('PolicyTypeDescription', 4, 0),
('ContributionCode', 1, 1),
('ContributionCode', 2, 0),
('ContributionCode', 3, 0),
('ContributionCode', 4, 0),
('ContributionDescription', 1, 1),
('ContributionDescription', 2, 0),
('ContributionDescription', 3, 0),
('ContributionDescription', 4, 0),
('ActivityMilimetra', 1, 1),
('ActivityMilimetra', 2, 0),
('ActivityMilimetra', 3, 0),
('ActivityMilimetra', 4, 0),
('SourceCode', 1, 0),
('SourceCode', 2, 0),
('SourceCode', 3, 1),
('SourceCode', 4, 0),
('EntityItemValue', 2, 1),
('EntityItemValue', 1, 0),
('EntityItemValue', 3, 0),
('EntityItemValue', 4, 0),
('AssigneeBank', 2, 1),
('AssigneeBank', 1, 0),
('AssigneeBank', 3, 0),
('AssigneeBank', 4, 0),
('InsuranceCompany', 2, 1),
('InsuranceCompany', 1, 0),
('InsuranceCompany', 3, 0),
('InsuranceCompany', 4, 0),
('InsuranceCompanyName', 2, 1),
('InsuranceCompanyName', 1, 0),
('InsuranceCompanyName', 3, 0),
('InsuranceCompanyName', 4, 0),
('CommencementDate', 2, 1),
('CommencementDate', 1, 0),
('CommencementDate', 3, 0),
('CommencementDate', 4, 0),
('ProductNumber', 2, 1),
('ProductNumber', 1, 0),
('ProductNumber', 3, 0),
('ProductNumber', 4, 0),
('ProductName', 2, 1),
('ProductName', 1, 0),
('ProductName', 3, 0),
('ProductName', 4, 0),
('ProductVersion', 2, 1),
('ProductVersion', 1, 0),
('ProductVersion', 3, 0),
('ProductVersion', 4, 0),
('AgentNumber', 2, 1),
('AgentNumber', 1, 0),
('AgentNumber', 3, 0),
('AgentNumber', 4, 0),
('MainAgentExternalReference', 2, 1),
('MainAgentExternalReference', 1, 0),
('MainAgentExternalReference', 3, 0),
('MainAgentExternalReference', 4, 0),
('ParticipatingAgentNumber', 2, 1),
('ParticipatingAgentNumber', 1, 0),
('ParticipatingAgentNumber', 3, 0),
('ParticipatingAgentNumber', 4, 0),
('ParticipatingAgentExternalReference', 2, 1),
('ParticipatingAgentExternalReference', 1, 0),
('ParticipatingAgentExternalReference', 3, 0),
('ParticipatingAgentExternalReference', 4, 0),
('PolicyDuration', 2, 1),
('PolicyDuration', 1, 0),
('PolicyDuration', 3, 0),
('PolicyDuration', 4, 0),
('PolicyStatus', 2, 1),
('PolicyStatus', 1, 0),
('PolicyStatus', 3, 0),
('PolicyStatus', 4, 0),
('PolicyStatusName', 2, 1),
('PolicyStatusName', 1, 0),
('PolicyStatusName', 3, 0),
('PolicyStatusName', 4, 0),
('PolicyStatusOpeningReference', 2, 1),
('PolicyStatusOpeningReference', 1, 0),
('PolicyStatusOpeningReference', 3, 0),
('PolicyStatusOpeningReference', 4, 0),
('PolicyStatusRegistrationDate', 2, 1),
('PolicyStatusRegistrationDate', 1, 0),
('PolicyStatusRegistrationDate', 3, 0),
('PolicyStatusRegistrationDate', 4, 0),
('PolicyPreviousStatus', 2, 1),
('PolicyPreviousStatus', 1, 0),
('PolicyPreviousStatus', 3, 0),
('PolicyPreviousStatus', 4, 0),
('PolicyPreviousStatusName', 2, 1),
('PolicyPreviousStatusName', 1, 0),
('PolicyPreviousStatusName', 3, 0),
('PolicyPreviousStatusName', 4, 0),
('MainInsuredNumber', 2, 1),
('MainInsuredNumber', 1, 0),
('MainInsuredNumber', 3, 0),
('MainInsuredNumber', 4, 0),
('MainInsuredExternalReference', 2, 1),
('MainInsuredExternalReference', 1, 0),
('MainInsuredExternalReference', 3, 0),
('MainInsuredExternalReference', 4, 0),
('OwnerNumber', 2, 1),
('OwnerNumber', 1, 0),
('OwnerNumber', 3, 0),
('OwnerNumber', 4, 0),
('OwnerExternalReference', 2, 1),
('OwnerExternalReference', 1, 0),
('OwnerExternalReference', 3, 0),
('OwnerExternalReference', 4, 0),
('PaymentArrangementId', 2, 1),
('PaymentArrangementId', 1, 0),
('PaymentArrangementId', 3, 0),
('PaymentArrangementId', 4, 0),
('PaymentFrequency', 2, 1),
('PaymentFrequency', 1, 0),
('PaymentFrequency', 3, 0),
('PaymentFrequency', 4, 0),
('PaymentFrequencyName', 2, 1),
('PaymentFrequencyName', 1, 0),
('PaymentFrequencyName', 3, 0),
('PaymentFrequencyName', 4, 0),
('PaymentMethod', 2, 1),
('PaymentMethod', 1, 0),
('PaymentMethod', 3, 0),
('PaymentMethod', 4, 0),
('PaymentMethodName', 2, 1),
('PaymentMethodName', 1, 0),
('PaymentMethodName', 3, 0),
('PaymentMethodName', 4, 0),
('AnnualPremium', 2, 1),
('AnnualPremium', 1, 0),
('AnnualPremium', 3, 0),
('AnnualPremium', 4, 0),
('RoleNumber', 2, 1),
('RoleNumber', 1, 0),
('RoleNumber', 3, 0),
('RoleNumber', 4, 0),
('ClientNumber', 2, 1),
('ClientNumber', 1, 0),
('ClientNumber', 3, 0),
('ClientNumber', 4, 0),
('Occupation', 2, 1),
('Occupation', 1, 0),
('Occupation', 3, 0),
('Occupation', 4, 0),
('SmokerFlag', 2, 1),
('SmokerFlag', 1, 0),
('SmokerFlag', 3, 1),
('SmokerFlag', 4, 0),
('RelationshipToInsured', 2, 1),
('RelationshipToInsured', 1, 0),
('RelationshipToInsured', 3, 0),
('RelationshipToInsured', 4, 0),
('AddressTypeOverride', 2, 1),
('AddressTypeOverride', 1, 0),
('AddressTypeOverride', 3, 0),
('AddressTypeOverride', 4, 0),
('OpeningRegistrationDate', 2, 1),
('OpeningRegistrationDate', 1, 0),
('OpeningRegistrationDate', 3, 0),
('OpeningRegistrationDate', 4, 0),
('ClosingRegistrationDate', 2, 1),
('ClosingRegistrationDate', 1, 0),
('ClosingRegistrationDate', 3, 0),
('ClosingRegistrationDate', 4, 0),
('OpeningEffectiveDate', 2, 1),
('OpeningEffectiveDate', 1, 0),
('OpeningEffectiveDate', 3, 0),
('OpeningEffectiveDate', 4, 0),
('ClosingEffectiveDate', 2, 1),
('ClosingEffectiveDate', 1, 0),
('ClosingEffectiveDate', 3, 0),
('ClosingEffectiveDate', 4, 0),
('OpeningStatus', 2, 1),
('OpeningStatus', 1, 0),
('OpeningStatus', 3, 0),
('OpeningStatus', 4, 0),
('ClosingStatus', 2, 1),
('ClosingStatus', 1, 0),
('ClosingStatus', 3, 0),
('ClosingStatus', 4, 0),
('OpeningReference', 2, 1),
('OpeningReference', 1, 0),
('OpeningReference', 3, 0),
('OpeningReference', 4, 0),
('ClosingReference', 2, 1),
('ClosingReference', 1, 0),
('ClosingReference', 3, 0),
('ClosingReference', 4, 0),
('UserId', 2, 1),
('UserId', 1, 0),
('UserId', 3, 0),
('UserId', 4, 0),
('PClientRolePk', 2, 1),
('PClientRolePk', 1, 0),
('PClientRolePk', 3, 0),
('PClientRolePk', 4, 0),
('LoadingTimestamp', 2, 1),
('LoadingTimestamp', 1, 0),
('LoadingTimestamp', 3, 0),
('LoadingTimestamp', 4, 0),
('EntityItemType', 2, 1),
('EntityItemType', 1, 0),
('EntityItemType', 3, 0),
('EntityItemType', 4, 0),
('EntityItemSubType', 2, 1),
('EntityItemSubType', 1, 0),
('EntityItemSubType', 3, 0),
('EntityItemSubType', 4, 0),
('EntityItemSecondSubType', 2, 1),
('EntityItemSecondSubType', 1, 0),
('EntityItemSecondSubType', 3, 0),
('EntityItemSecondSubType', 4, 0),
('EntityItemId', 2, 1),
('EntityItemId', 1, 0),
('EntityItemId', 3, 0),
('EntityItemId', 4, 0),
('EntityNumber', 2, 1),
('EntityNumber', 1, 0),
('EntityNumber', 3, 0),
('EntityNumber', 4, 0),
('EntitySubNumber', 2, 1),
('EntitySubNumber', 1, 0),
('EntitySubNumber', 3, 0),
('EntitySubNumber', 4, 0),
('EntityItemValue', 2, 0),
('EntityItemRowNumber', 2, 1),
('EntityItemRowNumber', 1, 0),
('EntityItemRowNumber', 3, 0),
('EntityItemRowNumber', 4, 0),
('GEntityValuesPk', 2, 1),
('GEntityValuesPk', 1, 0),
('GEntityValuesPk', 3, 0),
('GEntityValuesPk', 4, 0),
('sourceCodeId', 3, 1),
('sourceCodeId', 2, 0),
('sourceCodeId', 1, 0),
('sourceCodeId', 4, 0),
('sourceCodeDesc', 3, 1),
('sourceCodeDesc', 2, 0),
('sourceCodeDesc', 1, 0),
('sourceCodeDesc', 4, 0),
('agentCaseWeight', 3, 1),
('agentCaseWeight', 2, 0),
('agentCaseWeight', 1, 0),
('agentCaseWeight', 4, 0),
('agentPremiumWeight', 3, 1),
('agentPremiumWeight', 2, 0),
('agentPremiumWeight', 1, 0),
('agentPremiumWeight', 4, 0),
('agentBusinessTypeSourceCd', 3, 1),
('agentBusinessTypeSourceCd', 2, 0),
('agentBusinessTypeSourceCd', 1, 0),
('agentBusinessTypeSourceCd', 4, 0),
('bankCaseWeight', 3, 1),
('bankCaseWeight', 2, 0),
('bankCaseWeight', 1, 0),
('bankCaseWeight', 4, 0),
('bankPremiumWeight', 3, 1),
('bankPremiumWeight', 2, 0),
('bankPremiumWeight', 1, 0),
('bankPremiumWeight', 4, 0),
('bankBusinessTypeSourceCd', 3, 1),
('bankBusinessTypeSourceCd', 2, 0),
('bankBusinessTypeSourceCd', 1, 0),
('bankBusinessTypeSourceCd', 4, 0),
('isActiveFlag', 3, 1),
('isActiveFlag', 2, 0),
('isActiveFlag', 1, 0),
('isActiveFlag', 4, 0),
('configurationStatusCd', 3, 1),
('configurationStatusCd', 2, 0),
('configurationStatusCd', 1, 0),
('configurationStatusCd', 4, 0),
('lastModifiedBy', 3, 1),
('lastModifiedBy', 2, 0),
('lastModifiedBy', 1, 0),
('lastModifiedOn', 4, 0);
Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)
August 6, 2018 at 9:00 am
Guys thanks a lot for your help. I’ve spoken to management about this and it turns out the design is total crap and managers will be seeing to it tomorrow.
Thanks again for all your help and sorry for any time I may have wasted.
August 6, 2018 at 4:57 pm
No worries. It's not impossible to make a design along those lines work, but it sounds like it hadn't been entirely thought through.
August 7, 2018 at 3:27 am
Ended up changing the whole thing.
Just thought I'd let you know, thanks again for your time Andy.
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