Best way to publish SQL tables from behind firewall?

  • Any help is greatly appreciated. I have 2 SQL server 2008 instances. One is inside my network, behind a firewall, and not accessable from the internet. The other one is on the internet, on a web server, and accessable from the web. The internal SQL Server can see the SQL Server on the web, but not the other way.

    I have about 4 or 5 tables that I are on my network SQL server that I would like to be able to publish on the web server SQL Server so that my web site can see these tables. So I would be updating these tables from inside my network SQL Server, and pushing them out to the SQL Server on the web.

    Is there an easy way to do this? I know there is a publisher/subscriber, but the web server SQL Server cannot "subscribe" to the publisher, because it's not accessible from the internet. Is there a 1-way only publishing where I can publish to a subscriber on the web?

    Or Do I need to create some type of job to run on a schedule, etc?

    Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!

  • You could always use Snapshot replication but it will have latency.

    For transactional replication (I think this would serve your needs) you need only TCP port 1433 to be open. When setting up you might have to open UDP port 1434 but after that you can close it down. But you will need to have 1433 open for replication. You can have your distributor inside and then do a PUSH replication to the web server database.

    Other method that comes to my mind is Bulk inserts.

    Just my 2 cents


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