Best way to move AG database files between disks

  • I have a db disk drive nearing its max, and its current configuration does not allow for expansion.  I need to move my .mdf files to a new disk.  I followed the below steps on my secondary replica, but when I brought the SQL service back online, not one database ever synced.  All the databases were stuck in "Not Synchronizing/Recovery Pending" status.  Where could I have gone wrong?  Is there a better approach?  I am all ears. Thanks!

    Step 1: Add the new disks to both nodes of the SQL Server Availability group

    Step 2:Stop the SQL Server service of your passive node

    Step 3:Move the SQL Server database files from the old disk to the new disk

    Step 4:Adjust the drive letter of the original disk to another letter using f.e. diskpart

    Step 5: Rename the disk where you move the database files to to the drive letter of the original disk

    Step 6: Restart SQL Service on Passive node and wait until everything is back into sync.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by  KTLO_DBA.
  • to move databases, I have always removed the replica from a server, then seed a new one from backup on the preferred volume and add it back to the availability group.

    This is an assumption, I would think that the configuration for where the data files are placed for the cluster, would be stored in AD, not in the SQL server. In Exchange DAGs I have definitely used ADSI to edit and move a large Exchange database successfully, but I wouldn't recommend doing it that way unless you are desperate

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