Best way to check for the existence of a record

  • Hi,

    I am inserting a large number of records in one of my tables. I would like to check for the existence of that record prior to an insert. If the record already exists, I don't want to insert the same record twice. What would be the best solution to my problem? Thank you in advance.

  • There are several different ways of doing this.  I would look at trying to create a view that would do something like:

    CREATE VIEW vwInsertRecords


    SELECT t1.*

      FROM tmpTable t1

        LEFT JOIN DestTable t2 ON t1.ID = t2.ID



    Then all you would have to do is INSERT into the DestTable FROM the VIEW.

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • Say for example you are going to insert record to Table1 from Table2

    Insert into Table1 (PrimaryColumn,Col2,Col3)

    select  * from Table2 as source2

    where not Exists (select * 

                              from Table1

                            where PrimaryColumn = sourc2.PrimaryColumn)







  • 'Cheating' way: Define a unique index that includes all columns. Insert your records one by one. When you get a 'unique index constraint violated' error, ignore it and go on to the next record

  • would be most efficient to change this query to:


    where not exists (Select 1 from table1 where JOIN STATEMENT)

  • Thank you very much for your replies. Your help is greatly appreciated.

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