Best software to image servers

  • I have 5 Servers. Two are SQL 2008 server setting on a 2008 server OS. Two SQL 2005 servers running on 2003 server OS. One Domain Controllers using 2008 server OS. They are all HP proliant.

    In addition to that I have 20 windows XP desktops.

    I need some software that will allow me to capture images of the machines at some point of time. I need something that works on both servers and clients. I only need to do full backups/images, no need for differential and such.

    Previously I have used Ghost for desktops, but I don't think it supports imaging servers.

    What is your professional opinion?


  • Is this for DR? Or another purpose? There are P2V tools (physical to virtual) that can capture an image of a machine for migration purposes, but this can work well for capturing a server image. Not sure if you can V2P it, but check.

    Other than that, I'd think the various Windows backup software vendors could help here, but I don't have a recommendation.

  • Not sure how much help this is but you may want to look into a virtualization product like VMware or Hyper-V. They have the capability to take an image of your server. Who knows - maybe this is good time to virtualize?

  • This is for DR purposes.

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