Best Practices for SQL Server 2000 Hardware configuration

  • I've been given the green light to purchase new hardware for our production database servers.  So far I've spec'd out Quad Opterons

    BTW - we are planning to migrate to sql 2005 within the next 12 months

    The 64 bit processor creates a few dilemas for me. 

    1) Do i go 64 bit and sacrifice the ability to go with scsi shared storage for MSFT Clustering?

       If i go with 64 bit, can i restore the databases from a 64 bit sql server to a 32 bit sql server?

    2) Do i go for clustering and sacrifice the ability to access more ram?


    Another problem - what is the ideal drive configuration?

    OS = Mirrored

    Log Partition = Striped

    Data Partition = Raid 10



  • Read the resources on scalability with very large databases. There's lots of details and benchmarks on optimal configurations disk subsystems.

    Julian Kuiters

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