Best Practices Article or Video

  • Hello all -

    A few months ago, I was brought into the office I'm at to bring order to the chaos. Their "database" designs were just awful - the worse I've probably ever seen. It has been my job to design, map out, and consolidate all these "databases" which I believe I've done. Before it goes from design to development, I'd just like to do my homework and look into common pitfalls and flaws. I'm paranoid that I've overlooked a newbie mistake and will regret it later. I have dozens of tables and hundreds of thousands of records to account for.

    Can anyone recommend a good article or video I can check out? Anything along the lines of common mistakes is great.....

  • If you google for SQL Server top 10 design mistakes you can find some good leads.

    Kevin Kline has a session about this, you might find a recording online.

    Here are the slides:[/url]

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  • To add to that, be very aware that what some folks call "Best Practices" are nothing more than wanton personal opinion or sometimes based on "standards" that are impossible to meet in the real world. I agree that most "Best Practices" concerning normalization are spot on but you'll also run into such "Best Practices" as "make all code ANSI standard for reasons of portability", which is actually impossible to do even on the simplest of stored procedures that take a parameter. You'll also find "Best Practices" that denounce the use of the IDENTITY column property and, although there is certain merit to that, such merits apply to only very limite circumstances.

    There are other "Best Practices" that you should normally follow (there are exceptions to every "rule") such as keeping Clustered Indexes narrow, unique, and ever-increasing (and, usually, NOT NULL).

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
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    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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