"Bent corner" advertizements

  • I appreciate the fact that there are no pop ups on this site.  I use it quite frequently and pop ups are extremely annoying.  It seems like you guys do a great job of keeping the advertisements from interfering with the content. 


    For those who are complaining about increased advertisements, I would like to ask them if this were their business, would they run it like a business or would their goal to be to make the least amount of profit possible and still live?  This is a business and if you do not like they way they make their money, use a different resource.  You will not find a better SQL Server resource in the internet, but happy hunting.....






    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • John,

    I don't believe the argument is about 'having advertisments'. At least I know that's not what I'm bringing up.

    Sometimes the site adds new 'styles' of ads (such as the 'bent corner' ad). And sometimes the new ad style is annoying, distracting, bothersome, or just plain awful. That's when we point it out to management.


  • SQLBill,

    Just for the record, the comments in my post were geared towards another poster's comments that was complaining about advertisements in general.  Your posts contain good constructive feedback that I'm sure Andy and the guys will take to heart as you are a valued member of SSC.  Have a good day!!


    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • I agree.

    When I first ran across the new ad, I thought it was a very interesting way to handle advertising.

    This is the third day in a row, however, where the ad is causing firefox to consume 99% CPU. As soon as I switch to a non-corner advertised page, cpu use goes back to normal.

    I am all for new and interesting ( I think my first thought was, cool, how did they do that?) ways to support the sites I find useful. But this one is slowly making this a less useful site.

  • Bill - thanks for getting SSC to banish the peel to an unobtrusive corner - personally, this site is so much a part of my life that I'd put up with a zillion peels if I had to wade through the debris to get to the core but I am glad I don't have to do that...

    ps:This may mean little to anyone else, but thanks also for knowing when & how to peal about the peel...sorry - but spelling mistakes get under my "peel" much more than anything else..intrusive ads included..

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Sushila,

    That should be "when and how to APPEAL about the peel" LOL!!!!!

    I thought the bent corner ad was awesome, until it kept getting in my way when I was logging off. Now I am seeing those things everywhere. Yahoo has one near the login area and I've opened that a few times unintentionally. I'm wondering how many people accidentally open it and when hackers will use that to their advantage. The bent corner ad normally seems to appear close to where you have to move your mouse and could accidentally open the ad. It might not be intentionally - I don't believe SSC placed it near the log out, but some sites might be doing that.


  • Definitely not intentional placement - thats how it comes out of the box and so far no luck changing that. Thats why we shifted the logout button over a bit after your earlier comments. Cheap & sneaky clicks dont do our vendors any good, and not the way we play.

  • CDA, could you forward more into about the Firefox issues to Steve? I know he runs Firefox as is default browser and early on we saw some pretty high cpu utilization, but a few back and forth visits with the graphics people trimmed it down pretty good in our testing.

  • I don't mind the peel ads - a lot less intrusive than the pop-ups or even those pesky pop-unders.  And thank you to the vendor for not adding noise to that train - otherwise, I think there'd be more complaints on this.

    I love the resources this site provides, so I'll stick around as long as it a"peel"s (sic)to me

  • Andy,

    I didn't believe for a moment that SSC placed it there purposely. That's why I said so in my post. But check out Yahoo's mail login page sometime. It's part of the login box. I've seen a couple of other sites like that. Yours was a minor irritant, the others are a PITA!


  • I hear you. I recently went to unsubscribe from a newsletter and when you went to click in the box to enter the email address, they put an ad right under the mouse! I had to circle around, find a way into the text box that didnt trigger the damned ad. Seems to me you could just as easily let someone unsub and then show a confirmation page with the ad, but they wanted the ad AND to keep you from unsub. Special place in hell for those people.

  • Sure, no problems.

    I'll get him any details that are relevant. The troubling thing is that it does seem to be random. Sometimes it doesn't take any cpu at all, other times it just grinds my system to a slow crawl.

    i'll get him any info I can.

  • P.S. Double ditto on the CPU utilization in Firefox.

    Steve G.

  • Triple ditto on the Firefox CPU utilization.

    Yesterday I was logging into the VPN and brought up this site through Remote Desktop Protocol onto Firefox. It locked the machine so tightly that I had to reboot. I can't say for sure it was the page peel ad, but I suspect it after seeing the high CPU utilization when running locally in Firefox.

  • I'm glad I get to say "quadruple ditto" on Firefox since it gets tougher as the numbers go higher - - my system freezes for a good couple of minutes - I've had to reboot just once - but the "freeze" happens everytime I get accidentally too close to the peel...

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

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