Benefits of using Windows 2008 R2 over R1

  • Afternoon All

    We are looking to upgrade our server estate to windows 2008 in the near future - from the SQl2008 Perspective is there any benefit to paying out extra for Windows 2008 R2 (apart from the extended service support) or is SQL 2008 agnostic when it comes to the two versions

  • Why would you upgrade to SQL 2008 if SQL Server 2012 has been released now?

    I misread, your question. I have some information at home, but I believe that from SQL perspective, the difference is minimal, depending on what you plan to use.

    Luis C.
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  • Thanks Luis

    We largely use SQL2008 R2 SE , one Bi instance with SSAS and SSIS, the remainder simple database engine



  • If I recall correctly, most of the enhancements pertained to SSAS and SSRS. I believe the database engine related stuff consisted of a few added features that would be nice to have, but didn't warrant us upgrading from SQL Server 2008.

    I'm curious though, since you are upgrading from a version older than 2008... is there a compelling reason you wouldn't upgrade to R2?

  • Afternoon

    Apologies I may have not made my original post clear.

    We are currently running on SQl2008 R2 sp1 on Windows 2003 , the upgrade is on the o/s not the SQL - we have the option to upgrade to either Windows 2008 R1 or R2 , but the latter carries an increased cost.I been asked to see if there was any benefit to SQL from going to windows 2008 R2 .


  • Are you using Hyper-V? If so, moving to Windows 2008 R2 makes sense. We made the move for the enhanced capabilities within Hyper-V as we started using virtual servers to replace older physical servers being used for file servers, web servers, and application servers. As we also were moving to SQL Server 2008, I was willing to go virtual for my database servers as well, but those were given their own physical blade servers instead.

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