BCP to export data from global temp table

  • Hi all,

    I'm getting the following error:

    SQLState = S0001, NativeError = 0Error=[Microsoft]SQLServer Native Client 10.0]Unable to open BCP host data-fileFor the following SQL code:

    USE Runtime


    CREATE TABLE ##EnergyWeekReport(

    Substationnvarchar(50) NOT NULL,

    Mondayfloat NULL,

    Tuesdayfloat NULL,

    Wednesdayfloat NULL,

    Thursday float NULL,

    Fridayfloat NULL,

    Saturday float NULL,

    Sundayfloat NULL,

    This_Weekfloat NULL,

    Last_Weekfloat NULL);










    @preWeek float,

    @dateIN datetime,

    @Filename nvarchar(50),

    @bcpcmd nvarchar(500);

    -- Assign values

    SET @dateIN = '2012-1-23';

    SET @Mon = dbo.fnSEL_Monday_MWh(@dateIN, 'CB02_SS1_351S_1P7_MWh', 'CB02_SS2_351S_1P7_MWh');

    SET @tue = dbo.fnSEL_Tuesday_MWh(@dateIN, 'CB02_SS1_351S_1P7_MWh', 'CB02_SS2_351S_1P7_MWh');

    SET @Wed = dbo.fnSEL_Wednesday_MWh(@dateIN, 'CB02_SS1_351S_1P7_MWh', 'CB02_SS2_351S_1P7_MWh');

    SET @Thu = dbo.fnSEL_Thursday_MWh(@dateIN, 'CB02_SS1_351S_1P7_MWh', 'CB02_SS2_351S_1P7_MWh');

    SET @fri = dbo.fnSEL_Friday_MWh(@dateIN, 'CB02_SS1_351S_1P7_MWh', 'CB02_SS2_351S_1P7_MWh');

    SET @Sat = dbo.fnSEL_Saturday_MWh(@dateIN, 'CB02_SS1_351S_1P7_MWh', 'CB02_SS2_351S_1P7_MWh');

    SET @sun = dbo.fnSEL_Sunday_MWh(@dateIN, 'CB02_SS1_351S_1P7_MWh', 'CB02_SS2_351S_1P7_MWh');

    SET @Week = dbo.fnSEL_WeekTot_MWh(@dateIN, 'CB02_SS1_351S_1P7_MWh', 'CB02_SS2_351S_1P7_MWh');

    SET @preWeek = dbo.fnSEL_preWeekTot_MWh(@dateIN, 'CB02_SS1_351S_1P7_MWh', 'CB02_SS2_351S_1P7_MWh');

    INSERT INTO ##EnergyWeekReport

    SELECT '138kV Line 1',@Mon, @tue, @Wed, @Thu, @fri, @Sat, @sun, @Week, @preWeek;

    SET @bcpcmd = 'bcp "SELECT * FROM ##EnergyWeekReport" queryout c\test.txt -c -T -S ww-historian';

    EXEC xp_cmdshell @bcpcmd ;

    DROP TABLE dbo.##EnergyWeekReport


    I'm running this in management studio on the machine where the database resides. I am logged in as an 'aaAdministrator' with all the god rights needed.

    Please advise

  • simple syntax error.

    queryout c\test.txt

    i think that should be c:\test.txt; just missing the colon.


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • And since your running BCP from the CMDSHELL, remember that the c:\test.txt file will be on the server you are running it on, not on your PC.

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