BCP out Column Headings

  • Is there a way to bcp out the column headings simuliar to the way you can in the UI within DTS?


  • I'm not aware of anything simpler, but this should work:

    if object_id('workaround')>0

     drop view Workaround

    use pubs


    create view Workaround as



     , au_lname

     , au_fname

     , phone

     , address

     , city

     , state

     , zip

     , convert(char, contract) 'contract'

     , 1 as SeqNo from authors




     , 'au_lname'

     , 'au_fname'

     , 'phone'

     , 'address'

     , 'city'

     , 'state'

     , 'zip'

     , 'contract'

     , 0 as SeqNo


    exec master..xp_cmdshell

     'bcp "select au_id, au_lname, au_fname, phone, address, city, state, zip,contract from pubs..Workaround order by SeqNo, au_id" queryout "C:\authors.txt"  -c  -T -SyourServer'

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
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