BCP - exporting SSRS

  • I need to export my RDL files from my report server to a file(s).

    Here is the syntax to give me what I need - I just can't make it work..

    DECLARE @dir nvarchar(425)

    DECLARE @name nvarchar(425)

    DECLARE @mdCommand varchar(100)

    DECLARE @bcpCommand varchar(1000)

    DECLARE catalog_cursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECT substring(path, 2, CHARINDEX('/', path, CHARINDEX('/', path)+1 ) - 2) as dir, name as name

    FROM Catalog

    where content is not null and type = 2 and CHARINDEX('/', path, CHARINDEX('/', path)+1 ) - 2 > 0

    OPEN catalog_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM catalog_cursor INTO @dir, @name



    SET @mdCommand = 'md "C:/temp/' + @dir + '"'

    SET @bcpCommand = 'bcp "SELECT convert(varchar(max), convert(varbinary(max), content)) from [reportserver].[dbo].[catalog]'

    SET @bcpCommand = @bcpCommand + ' where type = 2 and name = ''' + @name + ''' " queryout'

    SET @bcpCommand = @bcpCommand + ' "C:/temp/' + @dir + '/' + @name + '.rdl" ' + '-T -c -t,'

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @mdCommand

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @bcpCommand

    FETCH NEXT FROM catalog_cursor INTO @dir, @name


    CLOSE catalog_cursor

    DEALLOCATE catalog_cursor

    The error I get is:

    Invalid object name 'report.server.dbo.catalog'

    I have tried using just 'catalog' tried using full qulaified name etc..but can't make it work. Im running from the Report server DB..pretty sure it's something due to bcp.

  • Edit: Nevermind didn't read the Script correctly. I modified this to do something similar, so thanks for posting it =).

  • krypto69 (4/22/2011)

    I need to export my RDL files from my report server to a file(s).

    Here is the syntax to give me what I need - I just can't make it work..

    DECLARE @dir nvarchar(425)

    DECLARE @name nvarchar(425)

    DECLARE @mdCommand varchar(100)

    DECLARE @bcpCommand varchar(1000)

    DECLARE catalog_cursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECT substring(path, 2, CHARINDEX('/', path, CHARINDEX('/', path)+1 ) - 2) as dir, name as name

    FROM Catalog

    where content is not null and type = 2 and CHARINDEX('/', path, CHARINDEX('/', path)+1 ) - 2 > 0

    OPEN catalog_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM catalog_cursor INTO @dir, @name



    SET @mdCommand = 'md "C:/temp/' + @dir + '"'

    SET @bcpCommand = 'bcp "SELECT convert(varchar(max), convert(varbinary(max), content)) from [reportserver].[dbo].[catalog]'

    SET @bcpCommand = @bcpCommand + ' where type = 2 and name = ''' + @name + ''' " queryout'

    SET @bcpCommand = @bcpCommand + ' "C:/temp/' + @dir + '/' + @name + '.rdl" ' + '-T -c -t,'

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @mdCommand

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @bcpCommand

    FETCH NEXT FROM catalog_cursor INTO @dir, @name


    CLOSE catalog_cursor

    DEALLOCATE catalog_cursor

    The error I get is:

    Invalid object name 'report.server.dbo.catalog'

    I have tried using just 'catalog' tried using full qulaified name etc..but can't make it work. Im running from the Report server DB..pretty sure it's something due to bcp.

    That looks very interesting. Can you post the final working solution?

  • krypto69's script works perfectly as is.

    All I did was make minor tweaks to suit my needs, i.e. added variables to specify the database, output directory, a target directory to use as the 'root' path to extract from in SSRS, and I removed that substring business on the path so the directory structure is preserved.

    Very happy he posted this, as it saved me some time writing an extract myself =).

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