BCP Error : Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.EXTGEN_InitSessionContextSp'.

  • DECLARE @Cmd VarChar(4000)

    DECLARE @SProcName VarChar(40)

    DECLARE @SP_Parm1Value VarChar(40)

    DECLARE @SP_Parm2Value VarChar(4000)

    set @SProcName = 'Rpt_JobTransactionsSp'

    set @SP_Parm2Value = '|SRMQDIC|,|ROD|,|B|,|HNS|,|0|,|B|,null,null,null,null,|000|,|9999|,|1/1/2013|,|3/17/2013|,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,|T|,null,null,|1|,|0|,|1033|'

    set @SP_Parm2Value = REPLACE (@SP_Parm2Value,'|', '''')

    -- Build BCP Command

    set @CMD = ''

    Set @Cmd = @Cmd + 'bcp "exec ' + db_name()

    Set @Cmd = @Cmd + '..' + @SProcName + ' '

    Set @Cmd = @Cmd + @SP_Parm2Value + '"'

    Set @Cmd = @Cmd + ' Queryout '

    + ' "c:\temp\query.txt" '

    + ' -T -c -t^| -S '+ @@servername

    SELECT @Cmd

    --output looks like this

    bcp "exec RSDV_App..Rpt_JobTransactionsSp 'SRMQDIC','ROD','B','HNS','0','B',null,null,null,null,'000','9999','1/1/2013','3/17/2013',null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,'T',null,null,'1','0','1033'" Queryout "c:\temp\query.txt" -T -c -t^|

    The following statement works great and gives me desired data in the grid.

    exec RSDV_App..Rpt_JobTransactionsSp 'SRMQDIC','ROD','B','HNS','0','B',null,null,null,null,'000','9999','1/1/2013','3/17/2013',null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,'T',null,null,'1','0','1033'

    But when i execute the follwing command

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @cmd

    Errors out



    SQLState = 37000, NativeError = 2812

    Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.EXTGEN_InitSessionContextSp'.


    There is a prcedure 'dbo.EXTGEN_InitSessionContextSp' running inside 'Rpt_JobTransactionsSp'.

    Whats the workaround for this ?

  • Which server you want your bcp to connect to?

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Are you sure that is the entire output? I see you are appending -S but it is not in the comment where you say "output looks like this"

    bcp "exec RSDV_App..Rpt_JobTransactionsSp 'SRMQDIC','ROD','B','HNS','0','B',null,null,null,null,'000','9999','1/1/2013','3/17/2013',null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,'T',null,null,'1','0','1033'" Queryout "c:\temp\query.txt" -T -c -t^|

    Make sure that SSMS is set to return more all the characters, see Tools > Options > Query Results > Results to Text/Grid.

    Try taking the [complete] command line output from your code and execute it at a cmd shell prompt, i.e. let's take xp_cmdshell out of the equation for a minute to see if it is part of the issue, or whether we see an issue just using bcp. I think I know what's going on, but please post the results.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • I am running the code from the SQL Server Management Studio.

    Do i need to specify the Server name , user name and password ?

  • Yes In the code i am appending the Servername but i get same result with or without the ServerName.

  • skb 44459 (3/21/2013)

    I am running the code from the SQL Server Management Studio.

    Do i need to specify the Server name , user name and password ?

    I do not think you do. -T means to use Windows Auth so you only need one or the other.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • skb 44459 (3/21/2013)

    Yes In the code i am appending the Servername but i get same result with or without the ServerName.

    Have you modified SSMS so you can see the entire output showing what xp_cmdshell would run? i.e. the entire contents of the variable?

    WHen you can, copy the bcp command line and run it directly from a cmd shell prompt. Let us know the output.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Here is the command and output.

    FYI: 'dbo.EXTGEN_InitSessionContextSp' is getting called from Rpt_JobTransactionsSp

    bcp "exec PHIL_App..Rpt_JobTransactionsSp 'SRMQDIC','ROD','B','HNS','0','B',


    ,null,null,null,'T',null,null,'1','0','1033'" Queryout "c:\temp\query.txt" -T

    -c -t^| -Sphlsqlsl01

    SQLState = 37000, NativeError = 2812

    Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Could not find stored procedur

    e 'dbo.EXTGEN_InitSessionContextSp'.

  • And just to confirm, when you run this in SSMS what does it do?

    exec PHIL_App..Rpt_JobTransactionsSp 'SRMQDIC','ROD','B','HNS','0','B',null,null,null,null,'000','9999','1/1/2013','3/17/2013',null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,'T',null,null,'1','0','1033'

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • i get the desired output.

    (1 row(s) affected)

    (0 row(s) affected)

    (1 row(s) affected)

    (12932 row(s) affected)

    then all the records are displayed.

  • Here is the small example i created and gives me same results.

    Here i am running procedure ki_TestLoop2 which is calling ki_TestLoop1.

    In ki_TestLoop1 i have a code which checks if extgen_ki_Testloop1 exists (which does not exist)

    /********** ki_TestLoop1 *************/

    create PROCEDURE [dbo].[ki_TestLoop1] (

    @PCustNum CustNumType = NULL

    ) AS

    select 'shashi'

    /*************** ki_TestLoop2 ************/

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ki_TestLoop2] (

    @PCustNum CustNumType

    ) AS

    DECLARE @rc int

    DECLARE @P1CustNum CustNumType

    IF OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.extgen_ki_TestLoop1') IS NOT NULL


    EXECUTE @rc = [Dev1_PHIL_App].[dbo].[extgen_ki_TestLoop1] @P1CustNum

    RETURN 0


    EXECUTE @rc = [Dev1_PHIL_App].[dbo].[ki_TestLoop1] @P1CustNum

    select 'shashi'

    /*********************************** Main Code ********************************/

    DECLARE @Cmd VarChar(4000)

    DECLARE @SProcName VarChar(40)

    DECLARE @SP_Parm1Value VarChar(40)

    DECLARE @SP_Parm2Value VarChar(4000)

    set @SProcName = 'ki_TestLoop2'

    set @SP_Parm2Value = '|sds|'

    set @SP_Parm2Value = REPLACE (@SP_Parm2Value,'|', '''')

    -- Build BCP Command

    set @CMD = ''

    Set @Cmd = @Cmd + 'bcp "exec ' + db_name()

    Set @Cmd = @Cmd + '..' + @SProcName + ' '

    Set @Cmd = @Cmd + @SP_Parm2Value + '"'

    Set @Cmd = @Cmd + ' Queryout '

    + ' "c:\temp\query.txt" '

    + ' -T -c -t^| -S '+ @@servername

    SELECT @Cmd

    --output looks like this

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @cmd

    Gives Error

    SQLState = 37000, NativeError = 2812

    Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Could not find stored procedure 'Dev1_PHIL_App.dbo.extgen_ki_TestLoop1'.


  • There is a code in the calling procedure which checks if object 'dbo.EXTGEN_InitSessionContextSp' exists. And it does not exist.

    IF OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.EXTGEN_InitSessionContextSp') IS NOT NULL


    -- Some code

    RETURN 0



    SQLState = 37000, NativeError = 2812

    Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Could not find stored procedur

    e 'dbo.EXTGEN_InitSessionContextSp'.

  • It looks like you are fully-qulaifying the call to the proc, but not the existence check. In your sample code try replacing this:

    IF OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.extgen_ki_TestLoop1') IS NOT NULL

    with this:

    if exists (select * from Dev1_PHIL_App.sys.objects where name = N'extgen_ki_TestLoop1' and schema_id = 1)

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Thanks it does work with the solution.

    But we have hundred's of procedure provided by our ERP vendor which we can not change technically.

    Is there a work arounnd for

    IF OBJECT_ID(N'extgen_ki_TestLoop1') IS NOT NULL


  • Another option:

    IF OBJECT_ID(N'Dev1_PHIL_App.dbo.extgen_ki_TestLoop1') IS NOT NULL

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

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