Batching or index problem


    I am trying to compare data from two quarters that I have.

    Table structure is the same between both tables that I am comparing with the PK being the same between each table as well.

    The following is the batch "procedure" that I have "created" based on other threads from the forums.

    declare @t int

    set @t=1

    while @t>0


    begin transaction t1

    set rowcount 1000

    update q2204 set q22004.batch = q12004.batch, q22004.updated = 1

    from q2204 inner join q12004

    on =

    and updated = 0 and q2204.batch is null

    set @t=@t-1

    commit transaction t1

    waitfor delay '00:00:0.2'


    When I run through this, even for a rowcount of 1, I'm getting no results back for an inordinate amount of time.  (a single record being updated via the above took over 11 minutes to accomplish).

    The column "updated" has an index and is a character field (currently housing only 0 and 1 based on a yes/no type scenario.

    Any insight as to what I am doing incorrect here?


  • Is Phone your primary key, if not is in indexed?

    How may records are there in each table.

    Where is your WHERE clause?

  • Phone is the PK for both tables.

    Roughly 22 Mil rows in Q22004 and ~40 Mil rows in Q12004.

    The where clause was left out in the query instead of the and updated = 0 it should have had where updated = 0 (I am running this now to see if it makes a difference though).


  • I probably wouldn't try joining a 22million row table to a 40 million row table directly.

    I would probably insert a few thousand q12004.batch, records into a temporary table then do the join on that.

    Exactly how many represents a few thousand can only be determined by experimenting.

    DECLARE @MaxPhone VARCHAR(10)

    SET @MaxPhone=''

    CREATE TABLE #Tmp(Phone VARCHAR(10),Batch Int)



    INSERT #Tmp

    SELECT TOP 1000 Phone,Batch

    FROM dbo.Q12004

    WHERE Phone>@MaxPhone

    ORDER BY phone

    SELECT @MaxPhone = MAX(Phone) FROM #Tmp

    IF @MaxPhone IS NOT NULL

    <<Your update statement using #Tmp>>



    You may be able to get away without the ORDER BY statement.  The query is still not going to be lightening fast.

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