Batch Job Scheduling - Output Schedule to Excel

  • Hello, at my work I setup, and monitor my companies entire batch job schedule. We have around 100 jobs that vary from every minute, every hour, every day, every week, to every month. I have gone through, and continue to "show" the batch job schedule by manually entering every job and the order of the time run based on those categories I listed above into an Excel file. This has become somewhat painful if I ever want to tweak the schedule, or move jobs around.

    What I would like to be able to do is script out the entire schedule. I found this script: that will do a select statement and return all of the jobs that are listed in the SQL Server Job Agent, and that's a great start.

    My question, what does everyone else use to graphically show this schedule? Are there any tools out there that will do this, or any other scripts that will do this? I'm not sure if this is a question for Excel programming, or if people write their own VB or C# programs to generate this into another program.

    An example of my Excel file is the following:

    Monday thru Friday schedule

    Job 1 9:45pm

    Job 2 (started by Job 1)

    Job 3 (started by Job 2)

    Job 4 11:25pm


    Any info is much appreciated.

  • man i was just going to post this question myself. I'd love to hear how others document out their batch/agent job schedule. Seems easy enough to get the data, but yes laying it out in a useful format seems to be a real trick.

  • Hi Sean, surprised you found this post because it's probably buried in this forum (or at least WAS). I saw someone else wrote out their "schedule" to an outlook style I went ahead and wrote something to do the same thing, but many more add-ons taylored specifically for my business.

    Let me know more of what you want and I'll see what I can help you with.

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