Basic Sort in Table Columns Possible?

  • What are my options in allowing users to sort a basic report by column? I am a Reporting Services newbie and am using SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services...any help appreciated!

    Kindest Regards,

    - Tracey

  • reporting services 2000 does not have Dynamic sorting built in.

    you would have to make it a parameter into the report.

    If you upgrade to 2005, it is very easy.


  • For 2000, assuming your sorting issues are truly basic (i.e. dynamic primary sort column, fixed secondary/tertiary/quaternary/etc. sort), then as Ray says, make it a parameter. We used to offer drop downs that would let them pick.

  • Thanks Ray & David! I will go the parameters route...

    Kindest Regards,

    - Tracey

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