Basic question of SSIS

  • Hello friends,

    I have worked with DTS (very basic) in SQL Server 2000. I have designed just basic DTS like transferring excel file to sql table or table to excel file etc. It doesnt include anything like activex or code etc.

    I am just wondering what skills should we haev to write complex SSIS in terms of programming. it is including VB script, VBA, .net ???

    I am always working which SSRS which needs skills in TSQL along with Reporting services but hardly work with SSIS.

    We have lots of complex DTS in 2000 and needs to transfer into SSIS packages so just thinking about writing from scratch if it will not migrate easily. (as only simple DTS will transfer into SSIS by wizard).

    Can you please share your views?



  • If you are doing a lot of scripting in your DTS packages then you will need to rewrite those scripts and to do that you need basic VB.NET skills.

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