Basic help needed

  • When we installed SQL Server we did not include the OLE DB provide for Oracle. We now have a need to connect to an Oracle server. The problem I have is that I have no idea on how to add the OLE driver after SQL has been installed. I've tried running Add/Remove programs and modifying the installation to include, but no luck. I've tried installing the Oracle client tools and data connectivity, but no luck (yes I did reboot my server after installation).

    So, how do you get the Oracle drivers installed after you have installed SQL Server and get SQL Server to recognize them?

    SQL Version 2005 - Standard 64-bit, sp2

    OS Version Windows 2003, sp2


  • What options did you use. I had to use customer and pick the ole drviers for windows from the oracle client setup.

  • I used the custom install as well and selected the windows OLE drivers. No luck.

  • Unfortunately I am not at work where I can take a look. Send me a private message and I will check my setup tomorrow and see if I can find something that might help.

  • Could the fact that we are running 64-bit and not 32-bit be part of the culprit?

  • 64 bit might be but I cannot attest to that at all. Have you tried using ODBC setup to see if you can see the Oracle Driver?

  • The Oracle drivers don't show up in the ODBC administrator which leads me to believe it's a problem with the 64-bit. I have since searched and found many people with this exact same problem. Running 64-bit SQL 2005 and trying to connect to Oracle. Just need to weed through all the work arounds to see what will work for us.

  • I would suggest contacting Oracle for a 64-bit version driver. They show releases here for 10G

  • The problem was with the 32-bit v 64-bit. Installed the 64-bit version of Oracle's tools and we can now created linked servers to Oracle.

  • Glad you found your answer, and thanks for posting the answer so others might find it faster. 😀

  • Reminder: many (all ) of the Microsoft visual tools are still 32 bit. So on a 64 bit platform, I'd recommend installing boith 32 and 64.

  • Does anyone know if Oracle 9i has data access tools for a 64 bit server. I am running into this vary issue; however, I cannot find any 64 bit 9i components.


    I have successfully gotten Oracle 9i to work on my laptop (32 bit).



  • Thanks Antares, I will take a look at the link.

  • Hi,

    I am migrating DTS packages to SSIS. For time being I am running DTS packages in SQL 2005. One of DTS is puling the data from Oracle 10g to SQL Server 2005. I am using MS OLE DB Provider for Oracle as the provider to connect Oracle. In our development environment both SQL server and Oracle are 32 bit and migration is working fine.

    Now, in our production environment, Oracle is 32 bit but SQL Server is 64 bit (OS also win2k3 64bit).

    In that scenario MS OLE DB Provider for Oracle is not working.

    I have installed Oracle 10g 64bit Client tools in Production Server.

    But Still I am getting following Error Msg:

    Oracle client and networking components were not found. These components are supplied by Oracle Corporation and are part of the Oracle Version 7.3.3 or later client software installation. Provider is unable to function until these components are installed.

    Should I have to install/register/Configure any Oracle Driver/dll?

    Your suggestions & Solutions are welcome.



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