Barcodes Code128 generator function

  • Use Following Functions

    ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[CreateBarcodeCode128]
    @Barcode VARCHAR(20)

    DECLARE @site_value INT;
    SET @site_value =1;

    DECLARE @v_data_to_encode   varchar(4000)
    DECLARE @check_digit_char   varchar(1) 
    DECLARE @check_digit    BIGINT 
    DECLARE @start_character   varchar(1)
    DECLARE @stop_character   varchar(1)
    DECLARE @current_value    bigint  
    DECLARE @encoded_string   varchar(1000)
    DECLARE @weight_total    BIGINT
        DECLARE @mrLen BIGINT
    SET @v_data_to_encode = UPPER(@Barcode)
    -- Calcuation variables

    SET @start_character = CHAR(0203)
    SET @stop_character = CHAR(0206)

    SET @weight_total = ASCII(@start_character) - 100

    SET @mrLen = LEN(@v_data_to_encode)

            WHILE @site_value <= @mrLen
                SET @current_value = CAST(ASCII(SUBSTRING (@v_data_to_encode, @site_value, 1)) AS BIGINT)
                 if @current_value < 135
                        set @current_value = @current_value - 32                                
                ELSE if @current_value >= 135
                        set @current_value = @current_value - 100    
                     SET @current_value = @current_value * @site_value
                SET @weight_total = @weight_total + @current_value
                set @site_value = @site_value+1
    --SET @check_digit = mod(@weight_total,103)
    SET @check_digit = (@weight_total % 103)

    if @check_digit < 95 and @check_digit > 0
      SET @check_digit_char = CHAR(@check_digit + 32)                        
    ELSE if    @check_digit >= 95
     SET @check_digit_char = char(@check_digit + 100)
    ELSE if @check_digit = 0
        SET @check_digit_char = char(194);

     -- check digit determined
    -- Replace any occurence of ' ' (space) with chr(194)
    SET @encoded_string = replace(@v_data_to_encode,' ',char(194))
    return CONCAT (@start_character,@encoded_string,@check_digit_char,@stop_character)


  • OK, but what is your question?

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • I don't think there is one. Just someone sharing code that might save you half a day.

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