bar graph with large number of columns

  • we are currently working on upgrading our reports from SSRS2005 to SSRS2008R2. in one of our charts we have a large number of columns that it can try to display(lets say 25 per year). all of the built in pallettes have a max of 16 colors.

    on 2005 when it ran over that number, it would add a pattern to the color(i.e in a 16 color palette, 1 would be "red", 17 would be "red with blue stripe") in 2008r2 there is no pattern being applied(1 is "red", 17 is "red")

    there is a chart property called PalletePaternBehavior(options expression,default,none,always) with tooltip "Determines how patterns are applied to the chart data series"

    default seems to equal none, i never get a pattern applied to the chart. always applies pattern to every column(1 would be "red with blue stripe", 17 would be "red with blue stripe")

    any idea what could be causing this, and how to get it to function like 2005 does?

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  • have tried that, and it will work, sort of. it is rather difficult to find 32 colors that are visually distinguishable from the others. if there was a way to add patterned colors(red with blue stripe) creating a custom palette wouldn't be that big a deal, or if the custom colors were reusable between reports(other than creating a table in a database accessible to all of servers, which in our situation isn't feasible) it might be a more attractive solution.

    this shouldn't be impossible to do, it was the standard in previous versions.

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  • If you use a function to store the custom palette - this can be reused amongst other reports.

    Private colorPalette As String() = { "#9cc5c9", "#729ac7", "#005295", "#78496A", "#923C06", "#D06F1A", "#E89419", "#FDB813", "#2E8B57", "#006400", "#98FB98", "#9ACD32", "#008080", "#48D1CC", "#8A2BE2", "#7B68EE", "#BA55D3", "#C71585", "#8B0000", "#FF4500", "#f1838e", "#d0a149"}

    Private count As Integer = 0

    Private mapping As New System.Collections.Hashtable()

    Public Function GetColor(ByVal groupingValue As String) As String

    If mapping.ContainsKey(groupingValue) Then

    Return mapping(groupingValue)

    End If

    Dim c As String = colorPalette(count Mod colorPalette.Length)

    count = count + 1

    mapping.Add(groupingValue, c)

    Return c

    End Function



  • that helps with the reusability of custom palettes, but doesn't do anything about the number of distinguishable colors. no one has a clue on getting the patterns to show up in R2 like they do in 2005?

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