Baffling Sql2k backup times

  • For the longest time the nightly Sql backup job of a particular server took about 30 minutes to run. This job backs-up the live databases to a local directory on the same box.

    Last Thursday I noted the time for the same backup had suddenly dropped to about 9 minutes -- and has remained at that level ever since.  I checked all databases for any precipitous change in size (or deletion)  and found none. I checked with the networking guys to see if they had changed their (tape) backup schedule for that server. We reviewed the logs and the answer was no.

    Any ideas on this one or where to look mcuh appreciated?



  • 1. How do you do you backups? Via SQL Server commands or via third-party software? Do you take the server off-line/detach databases?

    2. Any idea what else happened last Thursday? Did you have jobs running before then that aren't running any more? Did the network people have jobs running that aren't running any more (or are running at a different time)?

    3. Any upgrades (to drivers, software, scsi, etc)?

    4. Any change to the type of backup (we are talking about a FULL backup right?)?


  • Although no change to the DB size, did the size of the backup change?

    - Mark

  • We had a similar issue - backup times had gone up drastically - and it turned out that 1 of the disks in the array had gone bad - as soon as we replaced that disk - the backup time came down to normal.

    - DK

  • I haven't yet found the source of the problem but thank everyone for their thoughts!



  • While this doesn't offer any reasons why it is happening, I think the first thing I would do is try to restore one of those backups (obviously not over production)!


  • I didn't think of it, but a restore makes sense. Be sure that your integrity has not suffered before you go any further.

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