Backups are running but not showing up as being run under DB options

  • I have kind of a strange problem..

    I use Maintenance plans to backup my SQL Server 2005 Databases. All user databases in this instance are in FULL recovery mode. I perform a Full backup each night and T-Log backups during business hours every 2 hours.

    I thought things were going along GREAT. The transaction log backups are being physically created and I am even getting my email notifications that they completed, but when I look at the Database Properties (for each Database), it shows "last Log backup - NONE"

    I discovered this only after trying to use this SQL to get a backup history report for an audit - and it only returns the FULL Backups!!!!!!

    SELECT s.database_name,


    cast(s.backup_size/1000000 as varchar(14))+' '+'MB' as bkSize,

    CAST (DATEDIFF(second,s.backup_start_date , s.backup_finish_date)AS VARCHAR(4))+' '+'Seconds' TimeTaken,


    CASE s.[type]

    WHEN 'D' THEN 'Full'

    WHEN 'I' THEN 'Differential'

    WHEN 'L' THEN 'Transaction Log'

    END as BackupType,

    s.server_name ,


    FROM msdb.dbo.backupset s

    inner join msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily m

    ON s.media_set_id = m.media_set_id


    (s.database_name = 'OFAC'

    OR s.database_name = 'PBSA')

    ORDER BY database_name, backup_start_date, backup_finish_date

    I really need to get a backup history report. Does anyone know why this might be happening??

    I thought maybe a Service Pack issue.. but I only have Two SQL Server 2005 instances and they are both on the same SP level.. Can anyone help me figure this out???

  • Hmmm, must be something funky in the maint Plan. You actually see My_DB_20081029_0600.TRN type files on your system ?? Are they 0 bytes ? Is there something odd in your plan that's giving the file the wrong name ... so that the backup of Database_A is getting a name for Database_B somehow ??

    (nit-pick ..... divide by 1048576 to get meg, not 1000000)

  • OK. The TLog backup files look fine in the backup directory. Files are named correctly, Tlog Backups ARE running every 2 hours and I AM getting an email notification that they ran. They are just not showing up in the MSDB backup history tables. Also, When I open MGT Studio , right-click on any of the databases and choose OPTIONS, it shows last full backup date and time and NONE for Tlog backups.. I tried running a TLOG backlup manually. It runs fine but still no history written OR any indications that the TLOG was backed up when I looK at Database options.

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