Backup Transaction Logs

  • A quick question (maybe there is quick answer, but my brain is complete fried today after a Monday from hell)

    I am in the process of setting up Log Shipping. I am doing it from EM and Maintenance Plans. When I try to select the database I am using as my test db the logshipping option gets gray out. If I try to do the transaction log backup as always my option to backup the log is also gray out. Any suggestions. Help! I will be grateful for life, especially today!! Thank you

  • Thank you for reading this posting. I did figure it out. A good night sleep makes wonders, don't you think? The server where I have this grayout option was using simple option for recovery. Of course, it won't allow me to do log backups. I changed to full and it did work fine. Sorry for bothering you guys. My fried brain didn't work allright on Tuesday. Thanks again

  • Thanks for the follow up!


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