Backup to different server

  • I am trying to backup databases to another server. SS2k doesn't recognize \\server\drive:\directory\filename.BAK.

    How do I do this?

  • The UNC path should be \\server\drive$\directory\filename.BAK. Make sure SQL Server services account are able to write to it.

  • That's what I forgot to do! Thanks!!

    I Hate Mondays

  • Allen, if edison is the server and E is the drive, the backup should be to:

    \\edison\E$\backup\sales.BAK. right? How do i check if SS services account is able to write to it? can you xplain a bit? When I try \\edison\E$\backup\sales.BAK in the Database->All Tasks->Backup Database, it says, unable to recognize the path, do you want to keep it anyway? I said yes. Is this normal ? Thanks for you reply.

  • Share with $ sign is an administrative share that can only be accessed by administrators. In order to access administrative share, you have to configure SQL Server services with domain account that has to be in machine local administrator group.

    You also can create share without $ sign to your backup folder and grant SQL Server services account that has to be domain account with write permission to that share. In this configuration, the domain account doesn't have to be in local administrator group. The UNC path will be \\machinename\yoursharename\filename.bak.

  • A share ($) is NOT an administrative share. You just have to be given permission to it. I access several shares on servers that I do not have administrative privileges to. That's the purpose of a share, to share the data with others who normally would not have access to it.


  • Thanks Allen. My administrator told me to use \\servername\e$ drive to use it.I could copy files to this drive using batch jobs.

    But, my backup plan is not able to recognize it. SQLserver service is started by Win administrator. I am new to this, and some detail will save my day. thanks a lot.

  • quote:

    SQLserver service is started by Win administrator

    SQL Server services has to be started by a domain account like yours with permission to write to the share drive.

    1. Create folder for your backup files in your drive, for example, called "backupdb".

    2. Right click this folder --> properties --> sharing tab --> shared as --> enter share name like "sqlbackup". Click permission icon, add SQL Server services account with 'change/full control' access.

    3. Create backup job.

    Edited by - Allen_Cui on 05/22/2003 1:51:44 PM

  • quote:

    A share ($) is NOT an administrative share.

    Can you try to create a share with $ sign at root directory, for example, C$ to see whether you can assign permissions to someone and if it is a administrative share.

    Maybe I did not describe administrative share clearly in my previous reply.

  • Cool it works! Thanks! But i have more questions. it takes more than 30 mts to backup 850mb. But i have every 15mts tran dump. While I am doing the full backup across network, do I need to stop the transaction log backup? After 30 mts of doing the network backup, it encounters an operating system error 64, (The specified network name is nolonger available) ??

    Any help. Thanks in advance ??

  • quote:

    While I am doing the full backup across network, do I need to stop the transaction log backup?

    No, You don't have to. Transaction log backup job will wait to start until full backup completes.


    it encounters an operating system error 64, (The specified network name is nolonger available) ??

    You might lost the share. To check it, go to start --> run --> type \\yourservername to see whether the share name exists.

    You could also have an unstable network.

  • gfahrlander,

    Are your services running under LocalSystem? If so, according to my sysadmin guru, LocalSystem DOES NOT have network access privileges.


    Just want to pass this on to you,

    Just finished talking to my sysadmin guru about this shared drive issue. This is from him: The $ after the root makes it an administrative share and 'hides' it. However, the administrator can provide access to it and if you know it exists and have share permissions on it you can connect to it.

    I am not a sysadmin but I do have access to several root shares (C$, D$, P$, U$, etc). Altoghether my job requires I have access to 8 root shares on 10 different computers.

    So we were both correct. root$ IS an administrative share, but it can be shared out to non-administrators.


  • quote:

    However, the administrator can provide access to it and if you know it exists and have share permissions on it you can connect to it.


    Thanks for the information. Just want to know how your adminstrator assign access permissions to someone to administrative share withour adding him into local administrators group. Could it be policy setting somewhere?

  • Allen,

    I'll ask him and let you know what he says.

    He explained it to me in depth and in the time between that and posting my response, I lost a lot of the details. (It was about a 15 minute discussion about shares).


  • Allen,

    I talked to my sysadmin guru.

    C$ is created by NTFS automatically. You were correct - it's an administrative share. However, the root (in this case C) can be shared out. Right click on C:, select properties, select Sharing, click on New Share button. Give the share a new name (ie. MyC$).

    So ends my confusion about all this sharing going on. I do have access to root shares as a non-admin, but it's to a different named share.


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