Backup To A Different Server

  • This has most likely been discussed before but I can't find it.

    I am trying to do a differential backup to a different server. I have Admin rights on both servers, use the format for the other server as \\server\drive\folder but everytime I try, it just doesn't work. It runs for between 3 and 8 seconds and then gives me a variety of errors.

    Also, I don't want my id to be the one running the jobs, how do I make the servers think I'm someone else?


  • Could you tell us what kind of variety of errors is coming?

  • I'm getting:

    DECLARE @GUID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER (a database is defined)

    Access Denied (I have sysadmin on both machines)

    Location does not exist (If it doesn't then I've lost an entire drive array)

    I know it can be done, I just don't know how.


  • How/where are you running this?

  • I am running this from SSMS on my machine on another server, trying to place the backups on a thrid server. I have the drive on the final target machine set for full permissions, yet I'm still getting the lasted "access denied" errors.

  • Are you running as a job, Maintenance plan or just a query?

    Can you post the SQL?

  • It's running as a maintenance plan

  • My guess is when it is running it is running under the SQL Agent account, not your account. What account is SQL, and SQL Agent running as, does that account has access to the thrid server? Can you run the backup in a query window?

  • Both are running under our master account, that account has full permissions to the share on the target drive.

  • Is your 'master' account a domain account?

    Can you run the backup through a query window?

    If you log on as the 'master' account can you do something like xp_cmdshell 'dir \\server\drive\folder /s'

  • Everything looks to be fine, except the blasted backup won't run. Does it make a difference that the original server is 2005 and the target is 2000?

  • SQL version shouldn't matter, you're just writing to the disk.

  • I'm a little confused

    ONe of the earlier post you say you write to \\machine\driveletter\directory, but later you say share. Which is it? Do you have permission for the login both on the share and the hard drive?

    I backup to different servers all the time, and besides the occasional network hickup, have no problem with it.

    If the backup is run from SQL Agent, then the login the agent is running under will be the one that authenticates against the third machine, not your logon. If that login is not a domain account, remote backups will not work.

  • driveletter is the share (d$). The account is a domain account: domainname\accountname. All of our IT accounts are domain accounts.

  • Hi friends, greetings from Colombia,

    I'm afraid you can't make a backup to a different server mapping a drive, this is just possible if the disk is from a SAN device.

    I've tried it before but it doesn't work, but if you have the answer, please let me know it.

    John J.

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