December 19, 2007 at 12:14 am
SQL Guru's ,
Do we have any t-sql command in SQL 2005 / 2008 to take backup of single or respective schema / table in a database.
Note : Right now we go with round out way ie., bcp out table / Select * into new table name ... , then we will generate script for the object for constraint , privilege etc.
I would appreciate if you let me know the single t-sql command that will backup the table data ,schema, privilege ,constraint ,default ,file group etc (which ever applicable to the table / schema )
Regards ,
December 19, 2007 at 3:49 am
To the best of my knowledge, there is no such feature by deafult in SSMS 2005. I guess there are 3rd party tools that might help you do this.
Scripting out and bcp'ing out the data seems to be the best solution. Also, there are scripts available on the net that will generate insert statements for data in tables. I haven't tested how efficient these are for large datasets though.
Thank you.
December 19, 2007 at 4:32 am
If I recall correct there has been a web based MS application for sqlserver that was able to script out the ddl and then insert statements for sqlserver 2000. (SQL_Server_2000_Web_Services_Toolkit ??)
I don't know it that still works with sql2005 :blink:
btw: did you check if SQLSMO can do this for you ??
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April 22, 2008 at 2:10 pm
I'm investigating for a similar client need and ran across this utility at:
I'm particularly in need of a utility function to reliably backup MS SQL Server 2005 databases on a per schema basis. Client has multiple schema per database and requires each schema (with data) to be backed up separately.
If you're adept at VB .NET this utility might be handy since source is also available...
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