backup permissions??

  • We have SQLExpress on one of our production servers. A lot of the information is sensistive so our server team had to lock it down pretty good. I had batch jobs running the nightly backups which were cut off because I needed to add the NetworkService account to the backups folder in the directory we chose. After I did that the Task scheduler is able to run the's where I'm a little confused... If I log onto the instance in ssms using the backup login I created and run a backup script to the backup dir... it runs fine and the backup is placed in the right spot. If I run the job from task scheduler or just the batch I created (which is using the same exact script as I am using in ssms) the backup runs fine, processes the same amount of pages as in ssms but the backup size is about half of what it is from ssms? Am I just missing permissions somewhere?

  • Never mind... thought I had with init in the script in ssms but it was appending instead of overwriting. :rolleyes:

  • wat wa sthe solution to overcome the problem?

    Please share.

  • instead of using NOINIT as in:

    BACKUP DATABASE [Database] TO DISK = N'D:\Backup\TUE.bak' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'Database-Full Database Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10


    which appends the backup, I had to use just INIT to overwrite.... (That is what my batch was using hence the smaller back up size)

    Just another rookie mistake on my part 🙂

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