Backup only SQL Server 2005 and Analisis Server 2005 database estructure

  • Hi,

    I would like schedule backups of only the STRUCTURE of the databases existing in my SQL Server 2005 and Analysis Server 2005 servers.

    To do backups of the structure of the databases existing in SQL Server 2005 server i could use the 'Database_Publishing_Wizard' tool. This tool generates script to all the objects of the data bases, but it does not generate the database definition and structure script (with the information of filegroups, files, …). Somebody could indicate to me how i could obtain this information in a script?

    At the same time somebody could indicate to me how i could get my Analysis Services 2005 databases structure scrìpt? How i could get a script with the same .xmla information that i can get when i get it manually from the SSMS?

    Thank you very much.

  • This is in the script section and is worth a look for scripting databases.


  • Hi,

    Thanks for you reply Greg. It is very interesting script.

    But it does not allow me to obtain the full structure info of the database, that is, i can't get the same information that i can obtain when i generated database create script from SSMS. For example i can't get the FILEGROUPS info, or the files properties (size, maxsize…) ...

    Thanks Greg.

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