Backup of a single table

  • Can I backup a single table? I'm using SQL Server 2000.

    I remember use this option on SQL Server 6.5, but in SQL Server 2000 I could not find this option.

    Felipe Cavalcante

  • The simple answer is NO. The more detailed answer is that it can be done if you place the table in it's own file group and then just backup the file group separately.

    On a normalized database I would rather do a full backup than try to piece together a backup one file at a time. It would just be too easy to get your data out of sync IMHO.

    Gary Johnson
    Microsoft Natural Language Group
    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and may not reflect that of my employer.

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