backup job not working

  • Can anyone tell me why this backup job doesn't work?

    BACKUP DATABASE CE10 to disk = 'c:\mssql7\BACKUP'


    The error I receive is

    BackupDiskFile::CreateMedia: Backup device 'c:\mssql7\BACKUP' failed to create. Operating system error = 5(Access is denied.).


  • Try this:

    exec sp_adddumpdevice 'disk','CE10_db',


    Backup Database CE10 to CE10_db

    then drop the device when finished

  • I tried adding the name of the backup file and that works:

    BACKUP DATABASE CE10 to disk = 'c:\mssql7\BACKUP\ce10_db_0722051200PM'


    But how can I get the date and time to be whatever the current date/time is for each days' backup?

    Thanks again!

  • You may want to play with the naming a little but this is how I've done it a few times:

    declare @label varchar(16)

    set @label=(select convert(varchar,getdate(),112)+convert(varchar,getdate(),108))

    declare @sqlscript varchar(2000)

    set @sqlscript='exec sp_addumpdevice ''disk'',''DB_BKP'',''C:\DB_BKP_'+@label+'.bak''

    backup database 'name' to DB_BKP'

    exec (@sqlscript)

    Don't forget to drop the device after use and rebuild so you have a new label.

    ..hope that gives you a good start

  • Here's some code from a backup utility I wrote:

    DECLARE @FileSaveDate  varchar(16)


        --  Get and format the date and time to be used in this backup's file name.  Note that 

        --  converting to varchar(16) chops off the seconds, and the subsequent lines just drop 

        --  the formatting characters. 

        SET @FileSaveDate = convert(varchar(16), getdate(), 120) 

        SET @FileSaveDate = replace(@FileSaveDate, '-', '') 

        SET @FileSaveDate = replace(@FileSaveDate, ':', '') 

        SET @FileSaveDate = replace(@FileSaveDate, ' ', '') 

    This emulates the naming convention you'd get from using the database maintenance plans.



  • How would it go in the backup statement then:

    DECLARE @FileSaveDate  varchar(16)

        --  Get and format the date and time to be used in this backup's file name.  Note that 

        --  converting to varchar(16) chops off the seconds, and the subsequent lines just drop 

        --  the formatting characters. 

        SET @FileSaveDate = convert(varchar(16), getdate(), 120) 

        SET @FileSaveDate = replace(@FileSaveDate, '-', '') 

        SET @FileSaveDate = replace(@FileSaveDate, ':', '') 

        SET @FileSaveDate = replace(@FileSaveDate, ' ', '') 

    BACKUP DATABASE CE10 to disk = 'c:\mssql7\BACKUP\ce10_db_@FileSaveDate.BAK'


    Like this?

  • I won't be near my source code until Monday, but rather than keep you hanging I'll outline what I do.

    The @FileSaveDate value ends up containing a date/time string like "200507221016", and I use this kind string all over the place. For a backup, I build the backup file file name something like this:


    For example, a complete backup of database "ce10" to "C:\mssql7\BACKUP" would look something like:


    Now, to achive what I think you're goal is, you'd need something like:


      @BackupFile    varchar(500)

     ,@FileSaveDate  varchar(16)

    SET @FileSaveDate = convert(varchar(16), getdate(), 120)

    SET @FileSaveDate = replace(@FileSaveDate, '-', '')

    SET @FileSaveDate = replace(@FileSaveDate, ':', '')

    SET @FileSaveDate = replace(@FileSaveDate, ' ', '')

    SET @BackupFile = 'C:\mssql7\BACKUP\ce10_db_' + @FileSaveDate + '.bak'

    BACKUP DATABASE CE10 to disk = @BackupFile WITH NOINIT

    (I don't recall why, but I think "WITH INIT" might serve you better.)

    Why so long-winded? Flexibility. Drive everything with parameters, build the string dynamically, then you call a routine with simple values for the database to back up, where to back it up, and a code for what kind of backup to make (complete, differential, or transaction). And then, joy of joys, you never have to struggle to remember how to get that bothersome BACKUP command to work again.



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