Backup files location

  • I am creating 3 maintenance plans to backup database 1) for full backup of all database 2) for Transactions log backup of all database 3) Differential backup of all database.

    Which of the following way is better way of organizing backup files?

    option 1) Server folder name then 3 folders for type of backup( full, diff, log) then database name.

    option 2) Server folder name then database folder name then type of backup

    I thought option 2 is better for organizing. But how do i delete old backup files for all database at once using maintenance plan in this case? it has to search up to third level server->database->type of backup. I think it can search upto only one sub folder level, is that correct?

    Can anyone suggest me?

  • Honestly, download Ola Hallengren's scripts and use them.

    The default structure is Server Name\Instance Name(if needed)\Database Name\Type(Full, diff, or log)

    The one thing within the maintenance plans that seems to be difficult to manage is deleting old files.

    Michael L John
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