Backup failure

  • This backup is taken by a Litespeed stored procedure (setup by a consultant). I don't have the full code/details on the stored procedure. What is the best way to pull the stored procedure code from the server?

    I am looking for a SQL similar to the following to get the correct procedure body?

    select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[stored_proc_name]')

  • you probably wont find the code as that would break the licence terms of the product.

    the stored proc is an extended stored procedure which calls a DLL if I remember correctly, also 90% of the procs in the LiteSpeedLocal database are encrypted.

    as I said in a previous post 6.5.1 is only one behind the current product level of 6.5.2 and was released this year, when did you purchase Litespeed, was it within the last 12 months? did you buy extended maintenance? if so your covered for support from Quest, I would strongly recommend opening a support case.

    as to get the code of procs, you can either do sp_helptext 'dbo.some_stored_proc_goes_here' or select text from syscomments where id = object_id(dbo.some_stored_proc_goes_here)

  • your litespeed backup script will be something like :-

    exec master.dbo.xp_backup_database @database = N'dbname', @filename = N'your backup file location\backupfilename', @with = N'STATS = 10'

    Try to run this and please check if still getting the backup failure.

    If yes then try to do the backup using sql code :-

    backup database dbname to disk = 'your backup file location\backupfilename'

    which proves the problem with litepseed backup script.

    Change the code to sql backup untill the litespeed is not fixed.


  • Thank you very much for all the help - we're able to fix the issue now. After going through the error log, like many of you suggested, we found out that backup had actually completed. It was the clean up job after the backup was failing. The error from the job history was completely misleading - it made us to think that one of the datafiles was corrupted.

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