Backup Failed in SQL 2014

  • Probably it may help i will check update

  • I goggled and found that we can't move resource database.

    and i gone through your link, can you give more details about "rebuild performance counters" ?

  • I would go the CU2 route first if I were you, I actually hadn't noticed the second page of comments when I wrote my reply.

    You only need to rebuild the counters if there are no rows in:

    select * from sys.dm_os_performance_counters

  • I got 1514 rows when ran above select query.

    and we have same setup (Backup in SQL 2014 RTM with Maintenance Plan) in Development server, which is running fine daily without issue.

    But same setup in Production Server (also installed RS 2014) backup is getting failed with error message that i posted and its running fine after restart the SQL service for 2 or 3 days.

  • I'm getting errors that are somewhat similar to the above posts... Backups are failing with the following error: Wanting to open up a case with Microsoft.. Can someone tell me how to do this... Do I call, do you have to have an account? thanks


    MemoryLoad = 83%

    Total Physical = 8191 MB

    Available Physical = 1384 MB

    Total Page File = 16381 MB

    Available Page File = 7867 MB

    Total Virtual = 8388607 MB

    Available Virtual = 8377044 MB

    ***Stack Dump being sent to E:\MSSQL\SQL2014\MSSQL12.SQL2014\MSSQL\LOG\SQLDump1489.txt

    SqlDumpExceptionHandler: Process 10104 generated fatal exception c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. SQL Server

    is terminating this process.

    * *******************************************************************************



    * 05/05/15 16:25:02 spid 10104

    * Private server build.



    * Exception Address = 000007FEEE3E8D40 Module(sqlmin+0000000002C88D40)

    * Exception Code = c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION

    * Access Violation occurred reading address FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

    * Input Buffer 510 bytes -


    * ckups\XXXXXXXX\XXXXXX_backup_2015_05_05_162502_0110873.trn'

    * WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'CouponRequest_backup_2015_05_05_162502_

    * 0110873', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10

  • You need to call Microsoft they will guide you and contact numbers are given in below link.

    also when you call they will ask your Subscription ID. make sure to have Subscription ID.

  • Check if other processes are running at the same time, which could cause blocking on the drive/file. Maybe a separate backup job (nothing to do with MSSQL) is locking files, or AntiVirus, or even VSS.

  • We don't have a SubscriptionID with Microsoft, we purchase Sql server licenses from a 3rd party vendor.. I'm still receiving the error however my co-worker found the following 5 files to be missing or hidden... Looks to be .Net Framework files... does anyone know if these are really causing my error (the backup failing due to: * Exception Code = c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION ) - Process 9720 generated fatal exception c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. Is there a trace I can take to perhaps tell me more? Can someone tell me the fields I can use for the trace to capture this error?

    Any help would be appreciated... (btw - if I restart the instance the errors stop for serveral days)


    --\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_64 \System.Configuration\13bb14bb88e6c577c79001039d678bbd\




  • The .ni in the filenames refers to the "native image" version of the DLL. This is part of standard .NET functionality. Google for NGEN, JIT and MSIL.

    Visual Studio can attach listeners to the processes, but this is getting quite involved - above my pay grade 🙂

    These compiled system files *could* be doing anything on your system. However, they are not directly linked to MSSQL. I suggest you stop other processes/services on the server and see if that helps the MSSQL backup. It might even be worth re-applying the latest OS service pack (plus subsequent updates), or re-installing .NET.

  • Thank you Ten Centuries:

    Our networking dept. applied some patched to this server 4 days prior to the backups failing. A developer had been using visual studio on this server but he may have been using the incorrect visual studio version (I think he was using VS 2012).. And we've done a repair on the .NET... Perhaps we should reinstall .Net... Thank you I will look into trying what you suggest..

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