Backup and truncate log script

  • Hi there

    I've recently acquired and hacked a backup and log script, basically this is to shrink the log file of all databases (It will be modfied later to just shrink user databases).

    Currently the script is:


    DROP TABLE [$Temptable]

    SELECT sysaltfiles.dbid AS DBID, AS LOGFILE, AS DBNAME

    INTO [$Temptable]

    FROM sysdatabases INNER JOIN

    sysaltfiles ON sysdatabases.dbid = sysaltfiles.dbid

    WHERE ( LIKE N'%LOG %')


    Function: For each user database remove all the freespace and truncate the transaction log.

    Instructions: Run against master, the script will use the system catalog to produce a list of databases

    If you want to excluce a database add the excluded db name to the 'not in' list below.



    Copyright (C) 2003 Cameron Michelis copying and redistribution of this file is permitted provided this notice and the above comments are preserved.


    Set quoted_identifier off

    use master


    DECLARE @dataname varchar(30)

    DECLARE @dataname_header varchar(75)

    DECLARE datanames_cursor CURSOR FOR select DBNAME from [$Temptable]

    OPEN datanames_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM datanames_cursor INTO @dataname

    WHILE (@@fetch_status <> -1)


    IF (@@fetch_status = -2)


    FETCH NEXT FROM datanames_cursor INTO @dataname



    DECLARE @logname varchar(30)

    DECLARE @logname_header varchar(75)

    DECLARE lognames_cursor CURSOR FOR select LOGFILE from [$Temptable]

    OPEN lognames_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM lognames_cursor INTO @logname

    WHILE (@@fetch_status <> -1)


    IF (@@fetch_status = -2)


    FETCH NEXT FROM lognames_cursor INTO @logname



    SELECT @dataname_header = "" + RTRIM(UPPER(@dataname))

    EXEC('use ' + @dataname)

    FETCH NEXT FROM datanames_cursor INTO @dataname

    SELECT @logname_header = "" + RTRIM(UPPER(@logname))

    EXEC("DBCC SHRINKFILE (" + @logname+")")

    FETCH NEXT FROM lognames_cursor INTO @logname



    --PRINT " "--

    --PRINT "Datafile: "+@dataname_header--

    --PRINT " "--

    --PRINT "Datafile: "+@dataname_header--

    ---exec ('use ' + @dataname)---

    ---exec ("DBCC SHRINKFILE (" + @logname+")")---

    DEALLOCATE datanames_cursor

    DEALLOCATE lognames_cursor


    But I get the following errors when I run it:

    (9 row(s) affected)

    (1 row(s) affected)

    (1 row(s) affected)

    DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

    Server: Msg 8985, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Could not locate file 'templog' in sysfiles.

    DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

    Server: Msg 8985, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Could not locate file 'modellog' in sysfiles.

    DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

    Server: Msg 8985, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Could not locate file 'MSDBLog' in sysfiles.

    DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

    Server: Msg 8985, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Could not locate file 'pubs_log' in sysfiles.

    DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

    Server: Msg 8985, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Could not locate file 'Northwind_log' in sysfiles.

    DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

    However if I run this script:


    DROP TABLE [$Temptable]

    SELECT sysaltfiles.dbid AS DBID, AS LOGFILE, AS DBNAME

    INTO [$Temptable]

    FROM sysdatabases INNER JOIN

    sysaltfiles ON sysdatabases.dbid = sysaltfiles.dbid

    WHERE ( LIKE N'%LOG %')


    Function: For each user database remove all the freespace and truncate the transaction log.

    Instructions: Run against master, the script will use the system catalog to produce a list of databases

    If you want to excluce a database add the excluded db name to the 'not in' list below.



    Copyright (C) 2003 Cameron Michelis copying and redistribution of this file is permitted provided this notice and the above comments are preserved.


    Set quoted_identifier off

    use master


    DECLARE @dataname varchar(30)

    DECLARE @dataname_header varchar(75)

    DECLARE datanames_cursor CURSOR FOR select DBNAME from [$Temptable]

    OPEN datanames_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM datanames_cursor INTO @dataname

    WHILE (@@fetch_status <> -1)


    IF (@@fetch_status = -2)


    FETCH NEXT FROM datanames_cursor INTO @dataname



    DECLARE @logname varchar(30)

    DECLARE @logname_header varchar(75)

    DECLARE lognames_cursor CURSOR FOR select LOGFILE from [$Temptable]

    OPEN lognames_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM lognames_cursor INTO @logname

    WHILE (@@fetch_status <> -1)


    IF (@@fetch_status = -2)


    FETCH NEXT FROM lognames_cursor INTO @logname



    SELECT @dataname_header = "" + RTRIM(UPPER(@dataname))

    PRINT " "--

    PRINT "Datafile: "+@dataname_header--

    FETCH NEXT FROM datanames_cursor INTO @dataname

    SELECT @logname_header = "" + RTRIM(UPPER(@logname))

    PRINT " "--

    PRINT "Datafile: "+@dataname_header--

    FETCH NEXT FROM lognames_cursor INTO @logname



    --PRINT " "--

    --PRINT "Datafile: "+@dataname_header--

    --PRINT " "--

    --PRINT "Datafile: "+@dataname_header--

    ---exec ('use ' + @dataname)---

    ---exec ("DBCC SHRINKFILE (" + @logname+")")---

    DEALLOCATE datanames_cursor

    DEALLOCATE lognames_cursor


    I get this output:

    (9 row(s) affected)

    Datafile: MASTER

    Datafile: MASTER

    Datafile: TEMPDB

    Datafile: TEMPDB

    Datafile: MODEL

    Datafile: MODEL

    Datafile: MSDB

    Datafile: MSDB

    Datafile: PUBS

    Datafile: PUBS

    Datafile: NORTHWIND

    Datafile: NORTHWIND

    Hence my confusion.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Neither script will work, because DBCC SHRINKFILE only works in the current database. From TSQL, the only way to change the database context is with the USE statement (for example, USE Northwind)

    The scripts contain this code, which you have commented out:

    ---exec ('use ' + @dataname)---

    ---exec ("DBCC SHRINKFILE (" + @logname+")")---

    When  exec ('use ' + @dataname)  executes the database context is changed only for the duration of the EXEC. When control is returned to the next statement   exec ("DBCC SHRINKFILE (" + @logname+")")  the database context returns to the context of script. Assuming there are no other problems with the script, you will have to combine this into one call (I haven't fully analyzed it, but nested cursors...not good) :

    EXEC ( 'use ' + @dataname + '  DBCC SHRINKFILE (''' + @logname + ''')' )

    (NOTE: The above EXEC uses single quotes only. The script mixed single and double quotes).



  • I am using a different version of the same script. my problem is when I run it against a DB with periods in them such as S.A.A.A.A I receive a

    DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator. [SQLSTATE 01000]

    Database S.A.A.A.A [SQLSTATE 01000]

    Msg 170, Sev 15: Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '.'. [SQLSTATE 42000]

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