July 1, 2004 at 2:20 am
Hi everyone
I have this situation with backup and restore.
I have two instances of sql, sql1 and sql2.
Production server is sql1 and test server is sql2.
I created database maintenance plan that makes full backup every night on tape.
I would like to make some kind of job or to add steps to job that was created with DMplan which will make restore of backuped database to sql2 server.
How can i do this? How can i read which is the last file backuped on tape?
Thanks very much
July 2, 2004 at 11:22 am
Hi Alex,
I don't use SQL Tape backups, but you should be able to use a query like this one to find the last backup for you database. Then you can issue the restore command using the returned device.
select physical_device_name from backupmediafamily where media_set_id = (select media_set_id from backupset where database_name = 'SQL1Db' and type = 'D' and backup_finish_date = (Select Max(backup_finish_date) from backupset where database_name = 'SQL1Db' and type = 'D'))
Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
July 2, 2004 at 11:25 am
First off, I wouldn't modify the jobs used by a DBMP. Once you do that, SQL squawks if you go back and try to modify the MP, itself.
I do a similar thing to what you're trying to do - in fact, the exact same thing - except that our DBMP backup is to disk not tape. I use a DTS package to accomplish it. Since the DBMP saves the file with the date and time as part of the filename, using an ActiveX Script Task I get the filename of the latest backup and set it as a DTS variable, then, using an Execute SQL Task I retrieve the filename from the variable and execute a RESTORE DATABASE statement.
Not sure if/how it would work w/ tape. If you'd like my code for the disk-based solution, just let me know.
Bruce McCarthy
July 5, 2004 at 3:24 am
Hi Bruce
It would be nice if you send me your code.
Thanks a lot
July 5, 2004 at 3:25 am
Thanks Steve
July 6, 2004 at 11:15 am
I just wrote you a long, detailed message with my code, but lost it when I clicked Preview. Hopfully I'll have time to create it again soon.
Sorry. I'm bummed.
July 6, 2004 at 11:16 am
DTS Package has two Global Variables, one ActiveX Script task, one Execute SQL task.
Global Variables:
gFolder (the root folder of the backup files)
gFPath (the dynamically determined path to the backup file to be restored)
ActiveX Script Task
name: get file info
language: VBScript
Function Main()
Dim fso, fol, fil, farray, fname, fprefix, fyear, fmonth, fday, sdb
sdb = "aldb" 'the db name
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fol = fso.GetFolder(DTSGlobalVariables("gFolder").value & sdb)
Set farray = fol.Files
' set everything to yesterday
fmonth = month(dateadd("d", -1, now()))
fday = day(dateadd("d", -1, now()))
fyear = year(dateadd("d", -1, now()))
if fmonth < 10 then fmonth = "0" & fmonth
if fday < 10 then fday = "0" & fday
' sql names the backup file in the format dbname_db_yyyymmddhhmm.ext
' therefore, you could easily use today instead of yesterday and
' get the latest backup - if there are multiple backups in a day -
' by getting the max of the 4 characters that are the timestamp part of the name
fprefix = sdb & "_db_" & fyear & fmonth & fday
' look for file named w/ yesterday's time stamp and store it in global var
For Each fil in farray
fname = fil.Name
if left(fname, 16) = fprefix then
DTSGlobalVariables("gFPath").value = fol & "\" & fname
Exit For
End If
Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success
End Function
Execute SQL task:
name: restore db
db: master
-- use a home-grown SP that calls a RESTORE DATABASE statement - see code, below
exec sp_ps_restore_db 'aldb', ?, 'aldb_Data', 'aldb_Log', 'S:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\aldb_data.mdf', 'S:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\aldb_log.ldf'
-- the question mark used as a param of the SP, above is mapped to the global variable gFPath using the Parameters button on the SQL task dialog. The value was determined and stored by the ActiveX task.
-- set any permissions, etc. after restore
use aldb
exec sp_revokedbaccess 'jagman'
exec sp_adduser 'jagman'
SP Used in Execute SQL task:
create proc dbo.sp_ps_restore_db
@dbname as varchar(25),
@sourcepath as varchar(255),
@logicalfilename_D as varchar(50),
@logicalfilename_L as varchar(50),
@targetfilepath_D as varchar(100),
@targetfilepath_L as varchar(100)
FROM DISK = @sourcepath
MOVE @logicalfilename_D TO @targetfilepath_D,
MOVE @logicalfilename_L TO @targetfilepath_L,
Hope this helps. Sorry for the delay. Let me know if I can clarify anything.
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