
  • I am new in sql server so I have a problem with backup, i like to know the type of back up and why transaction back is different from differential backup???

  • Please don't post polls for questions. Use Add Topic.

    This is covered in books online. For general questions, please do some research.

  • Good Poll topic dude..I wouldn't wanna vote before Nov 4th though :hehe:

    Ok, quick answer to your question:

    Differential backup has all the changes made to your database since the time there was a FULL backup.

    Transaction Log backups ( say T1,T2,T3) : T2 has changes made since T1 and T3 has all the changes made after if you are required to restore Transaction Logs, you would have to restore full backupp and then go the T1 then T2 and then T3 way..

    Instead if you take a Differential backup at T3 then you would only require to restore T3 after the full backup restore.



    "Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives."

  • Differential backup backs up all the changes since the last full backup.

    Transaction log backup backs up all the changes made since the last transaction log backup, or since the last full backup if there is no previous transaction backup.:cool:

  • Thanks for all... i got the answers....

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